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            "3038": {
                "pageid": 3038,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Red Gyarados",
                "revisions": [
                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
                        "contentmodel": "wikitext",
                        "*": "[[Category:Pok\u00e9mon]][[Category:Water]][[Category:Flying]]<big>#130: [[Red Gyarados]]</big>\n[[Plik:RGya.png|thumb|right|[[Water]] / [[Flying]]]]\nUmiej\u0119tno\u015bci: [[Dive]], [[Surf]]<br />\nUsposobienie: [[Usposobienie pokemona|Agresywne]] \u2013 dziki Red Gyarados zaatakuje, gdy tylko nas zauwa\u017cy.\n==Informacje o pokemonie==\n===Opis z [[Pokedex|Pokedexa]]===\n\"''Rzadko spotykany w naturze. Ogromny i okrutny, podczas furii jest zdolny do zniszczenia ca\u0142ych miast.''\"\n===Ataki===\n* [[hotkey|m1]]: [[Dragon Dance]] - level 50 - 30s - [[Dragon]]<br />\n* [[hotkey|m2]]: [[Bite]] - level 50 - 15s - [[Ghost]]<br />\n* [[hotkey|m3]]: [[Roar]] - level 50 - 25s - [[Normal]]<br />\n* [[hotkey|m4]]: [[Ice Fang]] - level 50 - 15s - [[Ice]]<br />\n* [[hotkey|m5]]: [[Waterball]] - level 50 - 15s - [[Water]]<br />\n* [[hotkey|m6]]: [[Hydro Cannon]] - level 52 - 20s - [[Water]]<br />\n* [[hotkey|m7]]: [[Hyper Beam]] - level 55 - 30s - [[Normal]]<br />\n* [[hotkey|m8]]: [[Dragon Breath]] - level 56 - 20s - [[Dragon]]<br />\n* [[hotkey|m9]]: [[Hydropump]] - level 62 - 45s - [[Water]]<br />\n* [[hotkey|m10]]: [[Twister]] - level 62 - 35s -[[Water]]<br />\n* [[passive]]: [[Dragon Rage]] - [[Dragon]]<br />\n\n===Mo\u017cliwe do nauczenia [[TM|TMy]]===\n*[[TM|TM03]] [[Sheer Cold]]\n*[[TM|TM03]] [[Water Pulse]]\n*[[TM|TM07]] [[Draco Meteor]]\n*[[TM|TM13]] [[Ice Beam]]\n*[[TM|TM14]] [[Blizzard]]\n*[[TM|TM16]] [[Ancient Power]]\n*[[TM|TM18]] [[Rain Dance]]\n*[[TM|TM24]] [[Thunder Bolt]]\n*[[TM|TM25]] [[Thunder]]\n*[[TM|TM33]] [[Reflect]]\n*[[TM|TM35]] [[Flamethrower]]\n*[[TM|TM37]] [[Sandstorm]]\n*[[TM|TM38]] [[Fire Blast]]\n*[[TM|TM42]] [[Crunch]]\n*[[TM|TM43]] [[Dragon Pulse]]\n*[[TM|TM45]] [[Attract]]\n\n===Loot===\n[[Plik:item_10258.png|link=Water gem]] [[Water gem]]<br />\n[[Plik:item_8880.png|link=Water orb]] [[Water orb]]<br />\n[[Plik:item_8885.png|link=Pot of fresh water]] [[Pot of fresh water]]<br />\n[[Plik:Item_8870.png|link=Red gyarados' tail]] [[Red Gyarados' tail]]<br />\n[[Plik:item_8842.png|link=Gyarados' fin]] [[Gyarados' fin]]<br />\n[[Plik:splash_plate.png|link=Splash plate]] [[Splash plate]]<br />\n[[Plik:Flying_plate.png|link=Sky plate]] [[Sky plate]]<br />\n[[file:Tm_water.png|link=Rain Dance|TM18 Rain Dance]] [[TM|TM18]] [[Rain Dance]]<br />\n\n===Odporno\u015bci===\n<br /> Podatny na: [[Rock]] \u00d72, [[Electric]] \u00d73\n<br /> Odporny na: [[Fighting]] \u00d7\u00bd, [[Steel]] \u00d7\u00bd, [[Fire]] \u00d7\u00bd, [[Water]] \u00d7\u00bd, [[Bug]] \u00d7\u00bd, [[Ground]] \u00d7\u00bd\n===Miejsce wyst\u0119powania===\nWyst\u0119puje podczas Eventu albo na pod Lagun\u0105, tylko trzeba najpierw uko\u0144czy\u0107 quest: [[Mia and Mya's Place]], \u017ceby mie\u0107 dost\u0119p do jego respawnu."
            "3039": {
                "pageid": 3039,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Red Gyarados' tail",
                "revisions": [
                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
                        "contentmodel": "wikitext",
                        "*": "[[Plik:Item_8870.png|link=Red Gyarados' tail]] '''<big>Red Gyarados' tail</big>''' <br />\nItem ID: 8870<br />\nWarto\u015b\u0107: 8 hundred dollar ( [[Gaby]] )<br />\nPotrzebny do: [[PApoi Quest]]<br />\nWypada z: [[Red Gyarados]]<br />"