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[[file:Adriana.PNG|left|thumb|[[Adriana's Charmander|Adriana]]]][[Adriana's Charmander|Adriana]][[file:Cinnabaradriana.PNG|right|thumb|Mapa [[Miasta|Cinnabar]] zaznaczona [[Adriana's Charmander|Adriana]].]] to młoda trenerka, która mieszka w [[Miasta|Cinnabar]]. Jej pokemonem jest [[charmander]], który traci siły. Jego ogień na ogonie gaśnie. Trenerka boi się o niego i wysyła nas po przedmioty, które mają mu pomóc: 100 [[fire essence]] i 30 [[fire potion]].<br><br><br><br><br><br>
[[file:Adriana.PNG|link=|left|thumb|Adriana]]Adriana[[file:Cinnabaradriana.PNG|link=|right|thumb|Map of [[Miasta|Cinnabar]] marked Adriana.]] is a young trainer who lives in [[Miasta|Cinnabar]]. Her pokemon is [[charmander]] and it is losing strength. The flame on the Pokemon's tail is going out.
Therefore, the trainer is scared about her charmander. She sends you to collect the items, which are supposed to help it: 100 [[fire essence]] and 30 [[fire potion]].  
[[file:item_10259.png|link=Fire essence]] [[Fire essence]] lecą z [[fire|ognistych]] pokemonów.<br>
After getting all of the required items, you should deliver them to her.<br><br><br>
[[file:item_10233.png|link=Fire potion]] [[Fire potion]] lecą z [[fire|ognistych]] pokemonów.<br><br>
Gdy już zdobędziemy potrzebne przedmioty wracamy do [[Adriana's Charmander|Adriany]]. Ona wręcza nam nagrodę 30hd.

Latest revision as of 15:48, 25 January 2018

Map of Cinnabar marked Adriana.
is a young trainer who lives in Cinnabar. Her pokemon is charmander and it is losing strength. The flame on the Pokemon's tail is going out.

Therefore, the trainer is scared about her charmander. She sends you to collect the items, which are supposed to help it: 100 fire essence and 30 fire potion. After getting all of the required items, you should deliver them to her.
