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<tr align="center" valign="middle">
<tr align="center" valign="middle">
<td width="50px">With Bait</td>
<td width="50px">With Bait</td>
<td >Slowbro, Wartortle, Azumarill, Octillery, Croconaw, Lombre, Sharpedo, Marshtomp, Brionne, Wishiwashi, Wimpod, Pyukumuku, Bruxish, Prinplup, Frogadier, Lumineon, Tynamo</td>
<td >Slowbro, Wartortle, Azumarill, Octillery, Croconaw, Lombre, Sharpedo, Marshtomp, Brionne, Wishiwashi, Wimpod, Pyukumuku, Bruxish, Prinplup, Frogadier, Lumineon, Tynamo, Hisuian Qwilfish</td>

Revision as of 19:00, 21 May 2024

NPC Fishing Guru
NPC Fishing Guru's location.

The quest may be started by talking to the NPC Fishing Guru, located at the eastern shore of Cinnabar city.

Fishing Guru is a fisherman who has mastered all types of fishing rods. If you may prove you are worthy, he is willing to give you better rods.

Old Rod

Rod old.png Old Rod - we have that fishing rod from the beginning.

Old Rod
Bait Pokemons
Without Bait Finneon, Spheal, Horsea, Wooper, Goldeen, Shellder, Magikarp, Chinchou, Clamperl, Krabby, Poliwag
With Bait Barboach, Remoraid, Spheal, Surskit, Mantyke, Mareanie

Great Rod


Fishing Guru asks you to become a fisherman.

Fishing skill

The main requirement for the Great Rod is level 30 for both character and fishing.


Fishing Guru insists that a real fisherman should have a proper outfit. Therefore, before letting you access his tasks, he demands for you to have a Fisherman Outfit.

Location of the Celadon mall.

In order to buy the Fisherman's outfit, you should go to Celadon. Follow the map and enter the mall. Ascend to the 3rd floor and enter the clothing store. There you should find NPC Amy, who sells various outfits. The Fisherman outfit costs 10hd.

After obtaining the outfit, go back to NPC Fishing Guru and proceed with his missions.


The next mission is to kill specified amount of Pokemon - performing Tasks. You may only take 1 task at a time.
For every completed task in this mission, you will receive 500 Exp.

These are the Pokemon you will have to defeat in the task:
Required level Amount to defeat Pokemon name Reward
30 50 Magikarp 500 Exp
30 30 Krabby 500 Exp
30 30 Goldeen 500 Exp
30 30 Horsea 500 Exp
30 30 Poliwag 500 Exp

After completing a task, you should report it to the NPC by approaching him with "hi" → "Report".


The next task consists of having the pokemon you were given to defeat caught.
You must catch the following Pokemon: Magikarp, Krabby, Goldeen, Horsea and Poliwag.


After completing the tasks, you are now worthy of using the Great Rod. You may claim it by approaching the NPC with the following: "hi" → "yes" → "yes".

  • Rod good.png Great Rod
Great Rod
Bait Pokemons
Without Bait Staryu, Tentacool, Psyduck, Seel, Slowpoke, Marill, Carvanha, Wailmer, Spheal
With Bait Squirtle, Corsola, Totodile, Qwilfish, Lotad, Mudkip, Popplio, Dewpider, Piplup, Froakie

Super Rod

Fishing skill

The main requirement for the Super Rod is level 60 both for character and fishing.


Once again, the completion of tasks is required.
For every completed task in this mission, you will receive 900 Exp.

These are the Pokemon you will have to defeat in the task:
Required level Amount to defeat Pokemon name Reward
60 60 Tentacool 900 Exp
60 60 Staryu 900 Exp
60 60 Remoraid 900 Exp
60 60 Wooper 900 Exp
60 60 Chinchou 900 Exp

After completing a task, you should report it to the NPC by approaching him with "hi" → "Report".


Once again, you are required to have the Pokemon that were given on the tasks caught.
You must catch the following Pokemon: Tentacool, Staryu, Remoraid, Wooper and Chinchou.


After completing the tasks, you are now worthy of using the Super Rod. You may claim it by approaching the NPC with the following: "hi" → "yes" → "yes".

  • Rod super.png Super Rod
Super Rod
Bait Pokemons
Without Bait Poliwhirl, Seaking, Starmie, Kingler, Seadra, Lanturn, Quagsire, Whiscash, Sealeo, Luvdisc
With Bait Slowbro, Wartortle, Azumarill, Octillery, Croconaw, Lombre, Sharpedo, Marshtomp, Brionne, Wishiwashi, Wimpod, Pyukumuku, Bruxish, Prinplup, Frogadier, Lumineon, Tynamo, Hisuian Qwilfish

Ultra Rod

Quest of the Elements

The first requirement to obtain the Ultra Rod is to have the Quest of the Elements completed which means character level 100 is required.

Fishing skill

The main requirement for the Ultra Rod is fishing level 80 and character level 90.


Just as the previous times, you will be required to complete tasks.
For every completed task in this mission, you will receive 1500 Exp.

These are the Pokemon that you have to kill and their ammount:
Required level Amount to defeat Pokemon name Reward
100 80 Poliwhirl 1500 Exp
100 80 Seaking 1500 Exp
100 80 Starmie 1500 Exp
100 80 Kingler 1500 Exp
100 80 Seadra 1500 Exp
100 80 Lanturn 1500 Exp

After completing a task, you should report it to the NPC by approaching him with "hi" → "Report".


Finally, you are required to have the Pokemon given in the tasks caught.
You must catch the following Pokemon: Poliwhirl, Seaking, Starmie, Kingler, Seadra and Lanturn.


Congratulations, you may now obtain the best fishing rod. You may claim the Ultra Rod by approaching the NPC with the following: "hi" → "yes" → "yes".

  • Rod ultra.png Ultra Rod
Ultra Rod (only with premium)
Bait Pokemons
Without Bait It cannot be used without a bait, so there are no pokemons.
With Bait Tentacruel, Poliwrath, Gyarados, Golduck, Cloyster, Dewgong, Feraligatr, Politoed, Slowking, Mantine, Kingdra, Ludicolo, Walrein, Gorebyss, Huntail, Relicanth, Crawdaunt, Primarina, Toxapex, Araquanid, Empoleon, Greninja, Gastrodon, Alomomola, Jellicent, Eelektrik, Big Magikarp, Galarian Slowpoke (whirlpool).