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<td>Numer</td> <td>Nazwa npc</td> <td>opis</td>  
<td>Number</td> <td>NPC name</td> <td>description</td>  
<td>1</td><td>[[Juanito]]</td> <td>NPC [[Juanito]] to największy handlarz w regionie [[Miasta|Kanto]]. To u niego robimy podstawowe zakupy.</td>
<td>1</td><td>[[Juanito]]</td> <td>NPC [[Juanito]] is the biggest salesman in the region of [[Miasta|Kanto]]. This is where we do our basic shopping.</td>
<td>2</td><td>[[Sr. Eko]]</td> <td>[[Sr. Eko]] zajmuje się handlem dobrami nie materialnymi takimi jak zakup premium, zmiana płci, zmiana miasta. Ten npc honoruje hd i diamenty.</td>
<td>2</td><td>[[Sr. Eko]]</td> <td>[[Sr. Eko]] deals in non-material goods such as premium purchases, gender change, city change. This npc accepts HD and diamonds.</td>
<td>3</td> <td>'''Christian'''</td><td> Npc Christian sprzedawcą żywności, możemy u niego kupic [[Chip]] oraz [[Pizza]].</td>
<td>3</td> <td>'''Christian'''</td><td> Npc Christian sells food where tou can buy [[Chip]] and [[Pizza]].</td>
<td>4</td> <td>'''Officer Mara'''</td><td>U Npc Officer Mara pilnuje porządku w mieście celadon. Możemy u niej wykonoać quest który polega na zwróceniu jej Red gem.</td>
<td>4</td> <td>'''Officer Mara'''</td><td>An Npc Officer Mara keeps order in the city of Celadon. We can complete a quest from her that involves returning the Red gem to her.</td>
<td>5</td> <td>'''Erika'''</td><td>Npc Erika jest liderem pokemonów typu [[Grass]], Jeśli ją pokonamy da nam [[Rainbow Badge]]. By się do niej dostać musimy pokonać labirynt(niezbędny pokemon z umiejętnością [[Cut]]).</td>
<td>5</td> <td>'''Erika'''</td><td>Npc Erika is the gym leader of pokemons with type [[Grass]], If we defeat her we will receive [[Rainbow Badge]]. To get to her, we have to overcome the maze (Pokémon with the skill is required [[Cut]]).</td>
<td>6</td> <td>[[Nurse Joy]]</td><td>Npc [[Nurse Joy]] jest pielęgniarką, jeśli przyjdziemy do niej napiszemy hi, heal, yes uleczy nasze pokemony.</td>
<td>6</td> <td>[[Nurse Joy]]</td><td>Npc [[Nurse Joy]] she is a nurse, if we come to her and write hi, heal, yes she will heal our pokemons.</td>
<td>7</td> <td>'''Brandi'''</td><td>Npc Brandi jest lokalnym trenerem który chce się z nami zmierzyć. Posiada 3 pokemony: [[Pikachu]], [[Magnemite]]. [[Voltorb]]. Oczywiście jej pokemon wraz ze stopniej jej zaawansofania ewolułują.</td>
<td>7</td> <td>'''Brandi'''</td><td>Npc Brandi she is a local trainer who wants to challenge us. She has 3 Pokemons: [[Pikachu]], [[Magnemite]]. [[Voltorb]]. Of course, her Pokemons evolve with their lvl advancing.</td>
<td>8</td> <td>'''Johnny'''</td><td>Npc Johnny sprzedaje bilety na pociąg (Bilet kosztuje 5 dollarów).</td>
<td>8</td> <td>'''Johnny'''</td><td>Npc Johnny sells ticket for the train (Ticket costs 5 dollars).</td>
<td>9</td> <td>'''Alfonso'''</td><td>Npc Alfonso jest krupierem odpowiedzialnym za ruletkę, radze uważać przy graniu, wielu graczy straciło majątek.</td>
<td>9</td> <td>'''Alfonso'''</td><td>Npc Alfonso is the dealer responsible for roulette, I advise you to be careful when playing, many players have lost their fortune.</td>
<td>10</td><td>'''Maria'''</td><td>U npc Maria możemy wymienić nasze żetony na pieniądze, lub zamienić je na pokemona([[Chansey]], [[Porygon]] bądź [[Ditto]]).</td>
<td>10</td><td>'''Maria'''</td><td>At npc Maria we can exchange our tokens for money or exchange them for Pokemon ([[Chansey]], [[Porygon]] or [[Ditto]]).</td>
<td>11</td> <td>'''Scarlett'''</td><td>Npc Scarlett posiada chorego [[Butterfree]], musimy jej pomóc wykonująć [[Scarlett's Butterfree]] Quest.</td>
<td>11</td> <td>'''Scarlett'''</td><td>Npc Scarlett has a sick [[Butterfree]], we need to help her by completing [[Scarlett's Butterfree]] Quest.</td>
<td>12</td> <td>'''Buyer'''</td><td>Buyer to npc który skupuje niemal wszystkie pokemony.</td>
<td>12</td> <td>'''Buyer'''</td><td>Buyer is an npc that buys almost every pokemon.</td>
<td>13</td> <td>'''Ousmane'''</td><td>Ousmane to npc który sprzedaje plecaki w krztałcie pokemonów.</td>
<td>13</td> <td>'''Ousmane'''</td><td>Ousmane is an npc that sells pokemon shaped backpacks.</td>
<td>14</td> <td>'''Leire'''</td><td>U npc Leire możemy kupić wyposażenie domku, włącznie ze sprzętem agd jak i również kamerą tv.</td>
<td>14</td> <td>'''Leire'''</td><td>At npc Leire we can buy house equipment, including household appliances and a TV camera.</td>
<td>15</td> <td>[[Gaby]]</td><td><Npc [[Gaby]] skupuje wiele różnorakich przedmiotów, głownie takie których nie skupuje [[Juanito]]./td>
<td>15</td> <td>[[Gaby]]</td><td><Npc [[Gaby]] buys many different items, mainly those that are not bought by [[Juanito]]./td>
<td>16</td> <td>'''Txell'''</td><td>Txell to npc u której możemy przemalować nasze pokeballe z pokemonami na jeden z 4 kolorków(aqua, yellow, pink i purple), uwaga kosztuje to 1 diament.</td>
<td>16</td> <td>'''Txell'''</td><td>Txell is an npc where we can repaint our pokeballs with pokemons inside in one of 4 colors (aqua, yellow, pink and purple), note it costs 1 diamond.</td>
<td>17</td> <td>'''Amy'''</td><td>Amy to dyktatorka mody pokemon adventures, każdy z graczy ma stój który wyszedł spod jej rąk. U tego npc możemy kupić nowe ubranie.</td>
<td>17</td> <td>'''Amy'''</td><td>Amy is the fashion dictator of Pokemon Adventures, each player has an outfit created by her. We can buy new clothes from this NPC.</td>
--[[Użytkownik:Cryla|Cryla]] ([[Dyskusja użytkownika:Cryla|dyskusja]]) 23:07, 27 lip 2012 (CEST)

Latest revision as of 19:52, 23 September 2024


Celadon nnpc.png
Number NPC name description
1Juanito NPC Juanito is the biggest salesman in the region of Kanto. This is where we do our basic shopping.
2Sr. Eko Sr. Eko deals in non-material goods such as premium purchases, gender change, city change. This npc accepts HD and diamonds.
3 Christian Npc Christian sells food where tou can buy Chip and Pizza.
4 Officer MaraAn Npc Officer Mara keeps order in the city of Celadon. We can complete a quest from her that involves returning the Red gem to her.
5 ErikaNpc Erika is the gym leader of pokemons with type Grass, If we defeat her we will receive Rainbow Badge. To get to her, we have to overcome the maze (Pokémon with the skill is required Cut).
6 Nurse JoyNpc Nurse Joy she is a nurse, if we come to her and write hi, heal, yes she will heal our pokemons.
7 BrandiNpc Brandi she is a local trainer who wants to challenge us. She has 3 Pokemons: Pikachu, Magnemite. Voltorb. Of course, her Pokemons evolve with their lvl advancing.
8 JohnnyNpc Johnny sells ticket for the train (Ticket costs 5 dollars).
9 AlfonsoNpc Alfonso is the dealer responsible for roulette, I advise you to be careful when playing, many players have lost their fortune.
10MariaAt npc Maria we can exchange our tokens for money or exchange them for Pokemon (Chansey, Porygon or Ditto).
11 ScarlettNpc Scarlett has a sick Butterfree, we need to help her by completing Scarlett's Butterfree Quest.
12 BuyerBuyer is an npc that buys almost every pokemon.
13 OusmaneOusmane is an npc that sells pokemon shaped backpacks.
14 LeireAt npc Leire we can buy house equipment, including household appliances and a TV camera.
15 Gaby<Npc Gaby buys many different items, mainly those that are not bought by Juanito./td>
16 TxellTxell is an npc where we can repaint our pokeballs with pokemons inside in one of 4 colors (aqua, yellow, pink and purple), note it costs 1 diamond.
17 AmyAmy is the fashion dictator of Pokemon Adventures, each player has an outfit created by her. We can buy new clothes from this NPC.