Newcomers Guide

Revision as of 02:00, 12 May 2018 by Stingu (Talk | contribs)

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0. Introduction Hello there If you just started or planning to start your journey, you can read that short tutorial in order to learn basic things about game!

1. Client To get better knowledge about client, check this site: Gui Interface (click)

2. Creating character If you don't know which pokemons and place you should choose, consider:

  • Celadon -> Treecko+Turtwig+Snorunt

Places to exp: 1. Beach and spawn on south of celadon 2. Fishing 3. Weepinbells around city

  • Vermilion -> Piplup+Turtwig+Snorunt

Places to exp: 1. Possibility to travel to Cinnabar (way described in 7th point) and hunt fire pokemons there 2. Fishing 3. Weepinbels around city

  • Lilycove -> Snorunt+Hoothoot+Mareep

1. Weepinbells on west of city (be careful about other stronger pokemons there!) 2. Fishing

However, feel free to select pokemons and city which you want!

3. Catching system (balls+system) a. How does it work? Everything here depends on luck. Anyway, bonus catch might help you to catch some pokes and whole system is basing on NPC prices of the pokemons and pokeballs. For further informations, check this LINK (click). b. Catch rates of balls: Pokeball / Safari balls used out of safari - x1 Great balls / Safari balls used on safari / Phantom balls - x2 Super balls - x3 Ultra balls - x4 Rocket balls - x5

4. Evolving pokemons In order to evolve your pokemon, you need to hold ctrl and click into your released pokemon. Then select "Evolve". Evolve.png