Ice Mining

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Ice Mining is a new system similiar to the Bug Net.

You can use your ice hammer on these:

It has 6s cooldown and can give you from 1 up to 3 pokemons without baits.

You can also find 2 new shiny's that are exclusive to the ice hammer

Without bait you can find: Snorunt, Alolan Sandshrew, Galarian Darumaka, Cubchoo, Vanillite, Vanillish, Bergmite, Galarian Mr Mime, Smoochum, Spheal, Sealeo, Swinub, Piloswine, Snom, Snover, Sneasel

Ice hammering box contains one of the following baits:

  • Ice Crystal - (allows you to find stronger pokemons instead of their pre evolutions) - Glalie, Galarian Darmanitan, Galarian Darmanitanz, Vanilluxe, Beartic, Avalugg, Eiscue, Alolan Sandslash, Jynx, Delibird, Mamoswine, Walrein, Mr Rime, Frosmoth, Froslass, Lapras, Weavile, Abomasnow, Crabominable
  • Snowy crystal - increases chance to find pokemon by 30%
  • Delibird’s feather - Gives a small chance to find 1 additional Pokemon and a very small chance to find 2 additional Pokemon.
  • Icy Gem - (allows you to find shiny pokemons) - Shiny Avalugg, Shiny Eiscue, Shiny Delibird, Shiny Frosmoth, Shiny Crabominable, Shiny Weavile, Shiny Mamoswine, Glastrier (small chance), Shiny Glastrier (small chance, Crystal onix (very small chance)
  • Medium Icy Gem - (user can find pokemons only from kanto, johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh regions) - doesnt work with Icy Gem
  • Small Icy Gem - (user can find pokemons only from Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar regions) - doesnt work with Icy Gem

Other versions of that system: Lava fishing, Bug hunting system