Tm33 quest
- Pokemon with ability "Surf", for example Goldeen or with ability "Fly", for example Fearow,
- Wymagany 130lvl.
Starting out from Lavender, You should use your pokemon with ability "Surf" or with ability "Fly" and surf/fly follow arrows on the map.
Then you have to go through the door (Warining! Teleport appear once per 2 hours starting from Server Save. You can check it by typing command !uptime, if hour at !uptime is even number you have to waith maximum 35 minutes for teleport.
After teleport you have two ways. One across then room and another teleport which may teleport you out the quest. At the screens there is a way which You have to go to complete the quest. If you step at the wrong sqm you will be teleported at the start of the path. You will be attacked by a lot of alakazams.
- 200hd,
- 4 Rare candy,
- 100 ultra balli,
- 100 super balli,
- 100 great balli,
- TM33 Reflect.