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(System łapania pokemonów)
(Pokemony warte uwagi)
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* Finally, I left you with boosters in the form of cookies and tickets; there are so many that I will give you a link to the entire list: http://en.padventures.info/Boosters
* Finally, I left you with boosters in the form of cookies and tickets; there are so many that I will give you a link to the entire list: http://en.padventures.info/Boosters
==Pokemony warte uwagi==
==Notable Pokémons==
Wiele pokemonów i respów które opiszę będzie wymagało od was zrobienia tego questa:<br>
Many Pokémons and spawns that I will describe will require you to complete this quest:<br>
Jest on wymagany, ponieważ daje możliwość teleportacji w alola regionie i bez niego nie złapiecie niektórych pokemonów, które wam polecam.<br>
It is required because it allows teleportation in the Alola region, and without it, you won't be able to catch some of the Pokémon that I recommend to you.<br>
Postaram się polecić wam minimum 3 pokemony z każdego typu. Brałem pod uwagę trudność złapania, jak i siłę pokemona. Przy każdym pokemonie, który jest wart większej uwagi wytłumaczę bardziej szczegółowo jego zastosowanie.<br>
I will try to recommend at least 3 Pokémon from each type. I considered both the difficulty of catching them and their strength. For each Pokémon that is worth noting, I will explain its use in more detail.<br>
* Aby sprawdzić, jakie ability posiada pokemon musicie kliknąć LLP + PPM na pokeballa z pokemon, a wyświetlą wam się o nim informacje w log serwera.<br>
* To check what abilities a Pokémon has, you need to click CTRL + right mouse button on the Poké Ball containing the Pokémon, and information about it will be displayed in the server log.<br>
Informacje jak działają ability możecie sprawdzić w dexie lub na stronie: http://www.padventures.org/index.php/p/v/abilities <br>
You can check how abilities work in the Pokédex or on the website: http://www.padventures.org/index.php/p/v/abilities <br>
Czym je bić? Fighting, Rock, Fire, Steel pokemony.<br>
What to hunt them with? Fighting, Rock, Fire, Steel pokemons.<br>
* Snorunt [Male], Glalie [ability Moody] (rare catch)<br>
* Snorunt [Male], Glalie [ability Moody] (rare catch)<br>
* Galarian Darumaka, Galarian Darmanitan [ability Zen Mode]<br>
* Galarian Darumaka, Galarian Darmanitan [ability Zen Mode]<br>
Oba pokemony znajdziecie na jednym respawnie. Mało, który pokemon jest łatwy do zdobycia i w tym samym czasie spełniającym warunki pokemona kompletnego. Te pokemony mogą wam przypaść do gustu na tyle, aby zostać z wami do końca waszej gry.<br>
You can find both Pokémon at the same respawn. Few Pokémon are easy to obtain while also meeting the criteria of a complete Pokémon. These Pokémon might appeal to you enough to stay with you for the duration of your game.<br>
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* Eevee, Glaceon [ability Snow Cloak] (rare, v rare catch).<br>
* Eevee, Glaceon [ability Snow Cloak] (rare, v rare catch).<br>
Eevee ma kilka ewolucji godnych polecenia. Więcej informacji o nim znajdziecie w opisie NORMAL pokemonów. <br>
Eevee it has several recommended evolutions. You can find more information about it in the description of NORMAL Pokémons. <br>
W linku który wam podam macie sposób na zdobycie glaceona: http://pl.padventures.info/Below_Zero_Quest <br>
In the link I will provide you, you will find the method to obtain Glaceon: http://en.padventures.info/Below_Zero_Quest <br>
Czym je bić? Ground, Rock, Water pokemony.<br>
What to hunt them with? Ground, Rock, Water pokemons.<br>
* Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion [ability blaze] (medium, rare, very rare catch)<br>
* Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion [ability blaze] (medium, rare, very rare catch)<br>
* Litleo, Pyroar [ability Moxie] (rare catch)<br>
* Litleo, Pyroar [ability Moxie] (rare catch)<br>
Typhlosion jest to jeden z najlepszych fire pokemonów w grze.<br>
Typhlosion is one of the best fire type pokemon in the game.<br>
Pyroar jedną z jego umiejętności pasywnych jest moxie, która zwiększa jego DMG o 130% za każdego zabitego pokemona dostaje 2% więcej DMG pokemon sprawdza się na wielu respach, gdzie nie trzeba zmieniać pokemona. <br>
Pyroar one of its passive abilities is Moxie, which increases its damage by 130% for each defeated Pokémon, granting it an additional 2% damage. This Pokémon performs well on many respawns, where you don't need to switch Pokémon. <br>
* Tepig, Pignite, Emboar [ability Reckless] (rare, v rare catch)<br>
* Tepig, Pignite, Emboar [ability Reckless] (rare, v rare catch)<br>
Pokemony z regionu Unova znajdziemy tylko na tym respie, aby mieć możliwość ich złapania potrzebujemy '''Frond Island Ticketa''', którego możemy dostać czasami z daily loginu, eventów, mini eventów, donation gifta bądź kupić od innego gracza. Sam pokemon też wymaga tm, aby był dobry.<br>
Pokémon from the Unova region can only be found at this respawn. To have the ability to catch them, we need the '''Frond Island Ticket''' which we can sometimes receive from daily logins, events, mini-events, donation gifts, or purchase from another player. The Pokémon also requires TM to be effective.<br>
* Galarian Darumaka, Galarian Darmanitan [ability Zen Mode].<br>
* Galarian Darumaka, Galarian Darmanitan [ability Zen Mode].<br>
Jest to fire/ice pokemon ja sam dałem mu fire tmy<br>
Is the fire/ice pokemon i personally gave him fire tms<br>
Czym je bić? Grass, Electric pokemony.<br>
What to hunt them with? Grass, Electric pokemons.<br>
* Krabby, Kingler (normal, rare catch)<br>
* Krabby, Kingler (normal, rare catch)<br>
Jest to o dziwo jeden z najlepszych water pokemonów, który przyda się wam do końca waszej rozgrywki. Wynika to z tego, że za daily login premium macie tokeny, które są wymieniane na mega/giga pokemony i Kingler jest jednym z tych pokemonów. Sam pokemon jest też silny od samego początku ma dużo obszarowych skilli i protectiona. Są 2 sposoby na zdobycie go jeden z respa w mapce którą wam podam, a drugi przy pomocy wędki, do której potrzebujemy baita opisałem wam to wcześniej w poradniku.<br>
Surprisingly, this is one of the best Water Pokémon that will be useful to you throughout your gameplay. This is because, with the daily premium login, you receive tokens that can be exchanged for Mega/Giga Pokémon, and Kingler is one of those Pokémon. The Pokémon itself is also strong right from the start, possessing many area skills and protection. There are two ways to obtain it: one is from the respawn on the map I will provide you, and the other is by using a fishing rod, for which we need bait, as I described earlier in the guide.<br>
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* Magikarp, Gyarados [ability Moxie] (easy, rare catch)<br>
* Magikarp, Gyarados [ability Moxie] (easy, rare catch)<br>
Magikarpia złapiemy z wędki, lecz jest to bardzo trudny pokemon do wexpienia, a gyardosa możemy złapać na tym samym respie co Finizena. Jak wyexpić szybko i łatwo takie pokemony jak Magikarp wyjaśnię w dalszej części poradnika.<br>
You can catch Magikarp with a fishing rod, but it is a very difficult Pokémon to level up. However, you can catch Gyarados at the same respawn as Finizen. I will explain how to quickly and easily level up Pokémon like Magikarp later in the guide.<br>
Finizen jest to kolejny pokemon z dużą ilością aoe skilli posiada również najlepsza ability w grze (reckless), która zwiększa DMG każdego skilla o 15%. Płeć w przypadku tego pokemona ma wpływ na jego ewolucje, dlatego koniecznie musicie złapać Female wersje. Gdy już tam dopłyniecie na waszej drodze stanie npc. Co dokładnie macie zrobić jest opisane tutaj:<br> http://pl.padventures.info/Private_Islands <br>
Finizen is another Pokémon with a large number of AoE skills and also has the best ability in the game (Reckless), which increases the damage of each skill by 15%. The gender of this Pokémon affects its evolution, so you must catch the female version. Once you reach there, an NPC will be in your way. What exactly you need to do is described here:http://en.padventures.info/Private_Islands <br>
* Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise [ability Torrent]<br>
* Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise [ability Torrent]<br>
Jest to szczególnie silny pokemon na bossy. Można go złowić z great roda z odpowiednim baitem bądź złapać na mapce poniżej.<br>
This is an especially strong Pokémon for bosses. You can catch it with a great rod using the appropriate bait or find it on the map below.<br>
Czym je bić? Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, Ice pokemony.<br>
What to hunt them with? Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, Ice pokemons.<br>
* Oddish, Gloom, Bellossom, Vileplume (easy, medium, rare catch)<br>
* Oddish, Gloom, Bellossom, Vileplume (easy, medium, rare catch)<br>
* Sunkern, Sunflora (medium, rare catch)<br>
* Sunkern, Sunflora (medium, rare catch)<br>
Oddisha i Glooma znajdziecie wszędzie a kamień do ewolucji na Vileplume kosztuje grosze inaczej jest w przypadku Bello i Sunflory.<br>
Oddish and Gloom You can find them everywhere, and the evolution stone for Vileplume costs just a few coins, it's different for Bello and Sunflora.<br>
Pokaże wam respa, na którym znajdziecie w jednym miejscu Bellossoma i Sunflore.<br>
I will show you the respawn point where you can find both Bellossom and Sunflora in one place.<br>
* Eevee, Leafeon (rare, v rare catch)<br>
* Eevee, Leafeon (rare, v rare catch)<br>
Tak jak Glaceona, Leafona możemy zdobyć w tym samym miejscu. <br>
Just like Glaceon, Leafon can be obtained in the same place. <br>
http://pl.padventures.info/Botanics_Studies_Quest <br>
http://en.padventures.info/Botanics_Studies_Quest <br>
Czym je bić? Fighting, Ground, Water, Grass pokemony.<br>
What to hunt them with? Fighting, Ground, Water, Grass pokemons.<br>
* Rhyhorn, Rhydon (medium, rare catch)<br>
* Rhyhorn, Rhydon (medium, rare catch)<br>
* Geodude, Graveler, Golem (normal, rare catch)<br>
* Geodude, Graveler, Golem (normal, rare catch)<br>
Rhydon jest to jeden z najlepszych rock pokemonów w grze.<br>
Rhydon is one of the best rock type pokemons in the game.<br>
Golem jest po prostu dobry i łatwy do zdobycia.<br>
Golem is just good and easy to obtain.<br>
* Hisuian Growlithe [ability intimidate] (rare catch)<br>
* Hisuian Growlithe [ability intimidate] (rare catch)<br>
Bardzo dobry pokemon z duża ilością skilli aoe.<br>
Very good pokemon with a lot of aoe skills.<br>
Czym je bić? Water, Grass, Ice pokemony.<br>
What to hunt them with? Water, Grass, Ice pokemons.<br>
* Sandshrew, Sandslash (normal, rare catch)<br>
* Sandshrew, Sandslash (normal, rare catch)<br>
* Cubone, Marowak (normal, rare catch)<br>
* Cubone, Marowak (normal, rare catch)<br>
Dobre pokemony na start, ale posiadają też swoją wersję cloned, która jest lepsza, a czym są cloned pokemony wyjaśnię na samym końcu.<br>
Good pokemons at the beginning they have cloned version, which is better and I will explain what cloned Pokémons are at the very end.<br>
* Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Rhyperior [ability reckless] (medium, rare, v rare catch)<br>
* Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Rhyperior [ability reckless] (medium, rare, v rare catch)<br>
Jeden z najlepszych ground pokemonów wymaga niestety evo przedmiotu (Protector można dostać za wymianę daily pkt). Mapę na jego pre evo macie podaną w rock pokemonach.<br>
One of the best Ground Pokémon unfortunately requires an evolution item (Protector, which can be obtained by exchanging daily points). The map for its pre-evolution is provided in the Rock Pokémon section.<br>
* Phanpy, Donphan (medium, rare catch)<br>
* Phanpy, Donphan (medium, rare catch)<br>
Dosyć dobry, a zarazem bardzo łatwy pokemon do zdobycia.<br>
A pretty good and very easy Pokémon to obtain.<br>
Sandile, Krokorok, Krookodile [ability moxie] (medium, rare catch)<br>
Sandile, Krokorok, Krookodile [ability moxie] (medium, rare catch)<br>
Łatwy pokemon do złapania może wam się przydać ze względu na jego ability.<br>
An easy Pokémon to catch that can be useful because of its ability.<br>
Czym je bić? Fighting, Bug, Fairy pokemony.<br>
What to hunt them with? Fighting, Bug, Fairy pokemons.<br>
* Poochyena, Mightyena [ability Moxie] (Medium, rare catch)<br>
* Poochyena, Mightyena [ability Moxie] (Medium, rare catch)<br>
Jest to pokemon, którym wielu graczy wbiło dziesiątki lvli ze względu na jego ability oraz miejsce, w którym można nim expić. W dalszej części poradnika, gdy poświęcę większą chwilę uwagi temu pokemonowi. <br>
This is a Pokémon that many players leveled up dozens of levels due to its ability and the location where it can be trained. In the later part of the guide, I will dedicate more attention to this Pokémon. <br>
* Alolan Rattata, Alolan Raticate [ability Hustle] (easy, rare catch)<br>
* Alolan Rattata, Alolan Raticate [ability Hustle] (easy, rare catch)<br>
Łatwy pokemon do złapania, który jest godny polecenia. <br>
An easy Pokémon to catch that is worth recommending.<br>
* Litten, Litten, Incineroar (rare, v rare catch)<br>
* Litten, Litten, Incineroar (rare, v rare catch)<br>
Możliwości zdobycia go są dwa jeden z questa (polecam go wybrać) bądź z respa na screenie poniżej.<br>
There are two ways to obtain it: one is from a quest (I recommend choosing this option), or from the respawn shown in the screenshot below:<br>
http://pl.padventures.info/Getting_familiar_with_Alola <br>
http://en.padventures.info/Getting_familiar_with_Alola <br>
* Galarian Zigzagoon, Galarian Linoone, Obstagoon [ability Reckless] (medium, rare catch)<br>
* Galarian Zigzagoon, Galarian Linoone, Obstagoon [ability Reckless] (medium, rare catch)<br>
Jest to zdecydowanie jeden z najlepszych pokemonów, którego sam używam na bossach.<br>
This is definitely one of the best Pokémon that I personally use against bosses.<br>
Czym je bić? Poison, Steel pokemony.<br>
What to hunt them with? Poison, Steel pokemons.<br>
* Mime Jr, Mr Mime [ability Technican] (medium, rare catch)<br>
* Mime Jr, Mr Mime [ability Technican] (medium, rare catch)<br>
Mr Mime to jeden z lepszych support pokemonów w grze. Posiada leczenie oraz teleport, aby pokazał cała swoją moc potrzebuje tmy. <br>
Mr. Mime is one of the better support Pokémon in the game. It has healing and teleportation abilities, and to show its full power, it needs tms. <br>
* Eevee, Sylveon [ability Pixilate]<br>
* Eevee, Sylveon [ability Pixilate]<br>
Bardzo dobry pokemon którego możemy zdobyć po zrobieniu questa: http://pl.padventures.info/Cute_Island <br>
A very good Pokémon that we can obtain after completing a quest: http://en.padventures.info/Cute_Island <br>
Tickety możemy zdobyć w grze z boxów, eventów, mini eventów, daily loginu, donation gift boxa i od graczy na markecie.<br>
Tickets can be obtained in the game from boxes, events, mini-events, daily logins, donation gift boxes, and from players on the market.<br>
* Togepi, Togetic, Togekiss [ability Hustle] (rare, v rare catch)<br>
* Togepi, Togetic, Togekiss [ability Hustle] (rare, v rare catch)<br>
Jest to najlepszy support w grze i spotkacie z tym pokemonem wielu graczy, a wynika to z tego, że w jednym pokemonie posiadacie możliwość latania, teleportacje i leczenie postaci. Pokemon z odpowiednimi tm sprawdza się też na respach, gdzie potrzebny jest fairy pokemon. Są dwa sposoby zdobycia tego pokemona. Pierwszy to kasyno za odpowiednią liczbę żetonów NPC w kasynie da wam togepi. Pokemony z kasyna dają catcha, ale jest też opcja złapania go na respie, który nie jest zbyt duży.<br>
This is the best support Pokémon in the game, and you'll encounter many players with this Pokémon because it offers the ability to fly, teleport, and heal characters all in one. With the right TMs, this Pokémon is also effective in respawns where a Fairy-type Pokémon is needed. There are two ways to obtain this Pokémon. The first is at the casino, where an NPC will give you Togepi for a certain number of tokens. Pokémon from the casino offer a catch rate, but there's also the option to catch it at a respawn that is not very large.<br>
* Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff [ability Pixilate] (medium, rare catch)<br>
* Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff [ability Pixilate] (medium, rare catch)<br>
Łatwy pokemon do zdobycia koniecznie musi mieć Pixilate.<br>
An easy Pokémon to obtain must have Pixilate.<br>
Czym je bić? Ground pokemony.<br>
What to hunt them with? Ground pokemons.<br>
Pikachu (rare catch)<br>
Pikachu (rare catch)<br>
Hisuian Voltorb, Hisuian Electrode [ability Aftermath] (rare catch)<br>
Hisuian Voltorb, Hisuian Electrode [ability Aftermath] (rare catch)<br>
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Pikachu, Alolan Raichu (rare catch)<br>
Pikachu, Alolan Raichu (rare catch)<br>
Tak to nie żart Pikachu jest bardzo dobrym pokemonem i można nim grać bez ewolucji. <br>
Yes, it’s no joke Pikachu is a very good Pokémon, and you can play with it without evolving. <br>
Hisuian Electrode jest to bardzo dobry pokemon, który was nie zawiedzie.<br>
Hisuian Electrode tt is a very good Pokémon that will not disappoint you.<br>
Alolan Raichu jest to pokemon, który z odpowiednim heldem posiada fly, teleport i leczenie. Można go zdobyć poprzez ewolucje Pikachu na 60 poziomie w regionie alola np. hau'oli z thunder stone.<br>
Alolan Raichu It is a Pokémon that, with the right held item, has Fly, Teleport, and healing. It can be obtained by evolving Pikachu at level 60 in the Alola region, for example, in Hau'oli, using a Thunder Stone.<br>
Helioptile, Heliolisk [ability Dry Skin] (rare, v rare catch)<br>
Helioptile, Heliolisk [ability Dry Skin] (rare, v rare catch)<br>
Jest to jeden z najlepszych elektrycznych pokemonów w grze niestety znajdziecie tylko 1 na całego respa.<br>
It is one of the best Electric-type Pokémon in the game, unfortunately, you will only find one on the entire respawn.<br>
Czym je bić? Ground, Psychic pokemony.<br>
What to hunt them with? Ground, Psychic pokemons.<br>
* Trubbish, Garbodor (rare catch)<br>
* Trubbish, Garbodor (rare catch)<br>
Jeden z najlepszych poison pokemonów.<br>
One of the best poison type pokemon.<br>
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Czym je bić? Flying, Rock, Fire pokemony.<br>
What to hunt them with? Flying, Rock, Fire pokemons.<br>
* Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree (easy, medium, rare catch)<br>
* Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree (easy, medium, rare catch)<br>
* Mothim z ability [Tinted Lens]<br>
* Mothim with ability [Tinted Lens]<br>
Caterpie i metapoda macie w dużej liczbie nad viridian. Sam butterfree jest dobrym pokemonem i ma swoją giga wersje, którą prędzej czy później zdobędziecie z daily loginu, więc jest wart zrobienia.<br>
Caterpie and metapod you can find a large number above Viridian. Butterfree itself is a good Pokémon and has a Giga version, which you will obtain sooner or later from daily login, so it's worth pursuing.<br>
Co do Mothima ma dużo aoe skilli i dobrą ability. Lepszym respem od tego na screenie jest prawdopodobnie heahea za pokemon center.<br>
As for Mothim, it has a lot of AoE skills and a good ability. A better respawn point than the one in the screenshot is probably Heahea, behind the Pokémon Center.<br>
* 2x Nincada, Shedinja [rare catch]<br>
* 2x Nincada, Shedinja [rare catch]<br>
Najlepszy pokemon w grze na wędkę. Posiada dwa duże respy. Możliwy jedynie do zdobycia poprzez ewolucję. Dlaczego wymagane są 2 ninacady macie napisane tutaj. http://pl.padventures.info/Shedinja <br>
The best Pokémon in the game for fishing. It has two large respawns. It can only be obtained through evolution. The reason why two Ninacadas are required is explained here: http://en.padventures.info/Shedinja <br>
* Ledyba, Ledian [ability Swarm]<br>
* Ledyba, Ledian [ability Swarm]<br>
Łatwy do złapania z dużą ilością aoe.<br>
Easy to catch with big number of aoes.<br>
Czym je bić? Flying, Psychic, Fairy pokemony.<br>
What to hunt them with? Flying, Psychic, Fairy pokemons.<br>
Hitmonlee [ability reckless] (very rare catch)<br>
Hitmonlee [ability reckless] (very rare catch)<br>
Hitmonchan (very rare catch)<br>
Hitmonchan (very rare catch)<br>
Machop, Machoke, Machamp [ability no guard](normal, rare catch)<br>
Machop, Machoke, Machamp [ability no guard](normal, rare catch)<br>
Wszystkie pokemony możecie zdobyć z questa: http://pl.padventures.info/Fighting_for_Pride <br>
All pokemons can be obtained from that quest: http://en.padventures.info/Fighting_for_Pride <br>
Niestety to, co wam poleci zależy od waszego szczęścia. Jeżeli los się do was uśmiechnie, to dostaniecie Lee, który jest najlepszym fight pokemonem w grze. Na mapie pokaże wam, gdzie możecie złapać Machampa.<br>
Unfortunately, what I recommend depends on your luck. If fortune smiles upon you, you'll get Lee, who is the best fight Pokémon in the game. I will show you on the map where you can catch Machamp.<br>
* Clobbopus, Grapploct [ability reckless] (rare, very rare catch)<br>
* Clobbopus, Grapploct [ability reckless] (rare, very rare catch)<br>
Drugi najlepszy fight pokemon w grze niestety są tylko 2 na cała mapę, ale za to łatwo dostępne. <br>
The second best fight Pokémon in the game, unfortunately, there are only 2 on the entire map, but they are easily accessible. <br>
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Czym je bić? Ghost, Dark pokemony.<br>
What to hunt them with? Ghost, Dark pokemons.<br>
* Hisuian Zorua (rare catch)<br>
* Hisuian Zorua (rare catch)<br>
Jeden z najlepszych ghost pokemonów. Jedyny problem jest taki, że można go złapać na cute island, więc potrzebny będzie wam cute ticket. Dam wam linka, w którym macie wszystko dokładnie wyjaśnione. <br>
One of the best ghost Pokémon. The only problem is that it can be caught on Cute Island, so you will need a Cute Ticket. I will give you a link where everything is explained in detail: <br>
http://pl.padventures.info/Cute_Island <br>
http://en.padventures.info/Cute_Island <br>
* Gastly, Haunter, Gengar (medium, rare, v rare catch)<br>
* Gastly, Haunter, Gengar (medium, rare, v rare catch)<br>
Łatwy pokemon do złapania z dużą ilością aoe skilli.<br>
Easy pokemon to catch with a big number of aoe skills.<br>
* 2x Nincada, Shedinja [rare catch]<br>
* 2x Nincada, Shedinja [rare catch]<br>
Tak jak wcześniej pisałem Shedinja jest najlepszym pokemnem na wedkę ale sprawdza się równie dobrze jako ghost pokemon.<br>
As I mentioned earlier, Shedinja is the best Pokémon for fishing, but it also performs very well as a ghost Pokémon.<br>
* Golett, Golurk [ability no guard] (rare catch)<br>
* Golett, Golurk [ability no guard] (rare catch)<br>
Fajny pokemon, który nie jest aż tak trudny do złapania. Jedyny problem jest taki, że potrzebujemy '''Frond Island Ticket''', aby móc go złapać.<br>
A cool Pokémon that isn't too difficult to catch. The only problem is that we need '''Frond Island Ticket''', in order to catch him.<br>
Czym je bić? Fire, Fighting, Ground pokemony.<br>
What to hunt them with? Fire, Fighting, Ground pokemons.<br>
* Rookidee,Corvisquire, Corviknight [ability Reckless] (rare catch)<br>
* Rookidee,Corvisquire, Corviknight [ability Reckless] (rare catch)<br>
Jeden z najlepszych steel pokemonów w grze, a zarazem bardzo łatwych do zdobycia.<br>
One of the best Steel Pokémon in the game, and also very easy to obtain.<br>
* Cufant, Copperajah [rare, v rare catch]<br>
* Cufant, Copperajah [rare, v rare catch]<br>
Bardzo dobry steel pokemon z dużą ilością aoe skilli. Posiada również giga wersje, którą będziecie mieli możliwość dostać za tokeny z daily login.<br>
A very good Steel Pokémon with a lot of AoE skills. It also has a Giga version that you will have the opportunity to obtain for tokens from daily login.<br>
* Scyther, Scizor [ability technician] (rare, v rare catch)<br>
* Scyther, Scizor [ability technician] (rare, v rare catch)<br>
Scythera możemy złapać na saffari nie jest to łatwy pokemon do złapania co potwierdza jego cena rynkowa. <br>
Scyther can be caught in the safari; it is not an easy Pokémon to catch, which is confirmed by its market price. <br>
Czym je bić? Rock, Electro, Ice pokemony.<br>
What to hunt them with? Rock, Electro, Ice pokemons.<br>
* Rufflet [ability twinted lens] (medium catch)<br>
* Rufflet [ability twinted lens] (medium catch)<br>
Bardzo fajny i łatwy pokemon do złapania z fajną ability.<br>
A very cool and easy Pokémon to catch with a great ability.<br>
Line 560: Line 560:
Czym je bić? Bug, Ghost, Dark pokemony.<br>
What to hunt them with? Bug, Ghost, Dark pokemons.<br>
* Mime Jr, Mr Mime [ability Technican] (medium, rare catch)<br>
* Mime Jr, Mr Mime [ability Technican] (medium, rare catch)<br>
Jeden z lepszych supportów w grze można go zrobić na dwa sposoby full fairy albo full psychic w zależności od tm, które mu włożymy.<br>
One of the better supports in the game, it can be built in two ways: full fairy or full psychic, depending on the TMs we equip it with.<br>
Line 569: Line 569:
* Eevee, Espeon (rare, v rare catch)<br>
* Eevee, Espeon (rare, v rare catch)<br>
Możliwy do zdobycia z tego questa. http://pl.padventures.info/Happiness_Island <br>
Possible to obtain from this quest: http://en.padventures.info/Happiness_Island <br>
Czym je bić? Fairy, Ice, Dragon pokemony.<br>
What to hunt them with? Fairy, Ice, Dragon pokemons.<br>
* Bagon, Shelgon, Salamence [ability Moxie] (rare, v rare catch)<br>
* Bagon, Shelgon, Salamence [ability Moxie] (rare, v rare catch)<br>
* Axew, Fraxure, Haxorus (rare, v rare catch)<br>
* Axew, Fraxure, Haxorus (rare, v rare catch)<br>
* Dratini, Dragonair (rare catch)<br>
* Dratini, Dragonair (rare catch)<br>
Nie chcę was kłamać dragony nie są za dobre, bo nie mają jakiegoś wyjątkowo dużego DMG. Jedyny wart uwagi pokemon to Salamance. Spokojnie możecie sobie je odpuścić, bo nie są łatwe do złapania.<br>
I don't want to lie to you, dragons aren't that great because they don't have exceptionally high damage. The only dragon worth mentioning is Salamence. You can easily skip them, as they are not easy to catch.<br>
Czym je bić? Fighting pokemony. <br>
What to hunt them with? Fighting pokemons. <br>
* Eevee (rare catch)<br>
* Eevee (rare catch)<br>
Będzie wam potrzebny do wielu dobrych ewolucji. <br>
Will be needed for a lot of evolutions. <br>
* Buneary / Lopunny (rare catch)<br>
* Buneary / Lopunny (rare catch)<br>
Będzie wam potrzebny do mega stone, który otrzymacie za tokeny z daily loginu.<br>
You will need it for the mega stone, which you will receive for tokens from daily login.<br>
* Furret [ability limber] (rare catch)<br>
* Furret [ability limber] (rare catch)<br>
Tak naprawdę to trochę na siłę wam tutaj daje polecenia, bo nikt nie gra normal pokemonami, a wynika to z tego, że normal we wszystko bije x1.<br>
In reality, I'm kind of forcing these recommendations on you, because no one plays with normal Pokémon, and that’s because normal types hit everything x1.<br>
Wiele pokemonów, które wam poleciłem mają swoją lepszą cloned wersje. Czym się różnią? Posiadają większy DMG na każdym skillu oraz 1k hp więcej. Bardziej dokładnie macie wszystko wyjaśnione w linkach poniżej.<br>
Many of the Pokémon I recommended have better cloned versions. How do they differ? They have higher damage on each skill and 1k more HP. You can find everything explained in more detail in the links below.<br>
http://pl.padventures.info/Mewtwo's_Island_ticket <br>
http://en.padventures.info/Mewtwo's_Island_ticket <br>
http://pl.padventures.info/Cloned_Island <br>
http://en.padventures.info/Cloned_Island <br>
Oraz niektóre pokemony posiadają wersje shiny. Posiadają one większy DMG / więcej zdrowia oraz mają 3 inne skille. <br>
Some Pokémon also have shiny versions. They have higher damage / more health and possess three different skills.<br>
Spotkać je można w miejsce normalnego poka, ale to nie tyczy się wszystkich shiny.  
You can encounter them in the same locations as normal Pokémon, but this does not apply to all shiny Pokémon.

Revision as of 21:54, 23 September 2024


At the very beginning, if you're watching this guide before logging into the game and have the question, "Why does my game client keep restarting?". The answer is simple: unfortunately, the client restarts with every new rev it downloads, so it depends on your luck whether the administration has updated the download to the latest rev.

Choosing Pokemon

In response to the question of which Pokémon are best to start with, let me show and explain the ones I chose in the screenshot. Only one of the Pokémon is worth paying attention to; the rest can be interchangeable. The most important and best Pokémon you can play with until the end of your gameplay is Snorut, and it must be a MALE Snorut, as different genders of this Pokémon lead to completely different evolutions. It’s also best if this Snorut has the ability Moody. What are abilities? They are passive skills that every Pokémon has. Some have only 1 option, while others have up to 3. The next two Pokémon aren’t as important, but I’ll explain why they are worth choosing. In the game, you can heal your character with the help of a Pokémon, which is why I chose Clefairy. Next is Natu, which has the ability to teleport in the game. To use teleport, you need Dacc (premium) and the appropriate Pokémon. Once you have everything, with the Pokémon active, type "t [city name]" and you’ll teleport to your desired location. The cooldown for teleport is 5 minutes. Another advantage of Natu is its evolution, which will allow you to fly on it. Aside from Snorut, the other Pokémon aren’t that important because you can catch their substitutes. At the very beginning, Charmander and Squirtle also work well.

  • It's worth knowing that every new account in the game receives 7 days of a premium account (DACC) at the start. At level 50, you'll receive a premium ticket, which allows you to complete the Paradox Quest. This quest enables you to purchase 30 days of premium without spending money on the game.
  • I leave the choice of server up to you, but I personally recommend Diamond because 3-4 times more players play there, with the only difference being that the rates are lower than on Platinum.


Practically every Pokémon Center looks the same.


In locker you can hide your pokemons and items.
When you open the locker, a window will appear showing 2 lockers:

  • In main locker we can store everything from items to Pokémon.
  • In market locker pokemons, which we want to put on market or sell to NPC.

In the locker, you also have a Pokémon search feature when you click the button Manage.
You can transfer Pokémon between the regular locker and the market locker.

PVP zone

In PVP you will find the largest number of players in one place..
Test room, which is detailed here: http://en.padventures.info/Test_Room.
Special room, here, with the help of Cleffa Bubble Tea and Wishing Star, you can spawn several shiny Pokémons and Victini. You will obtain Cleffa and Wishing Star from the Battle Pass.
Advertising NPC, where you can set up a bot that will post your offer in advertising (trade), but only when you are online.
Guilds NPC, associated with guilds.
Banker NPC, where you can deposit your money.
Lottery NPC, where you can participate in a lottery. Information about whether a lottery is active can be found on the game's website.
A lottery ticket is usually needed for the lottery, which can be obtained by making a donation, but you can also buy it in-game from another player.
Remember that the lottery ticket from donations can only be obtained when it is announced on the homepage.

Mini event zone

Mini Event Zone here you can find detailed descriptions of all the mini events: http://en.padventures.info/Mini_Events.
You might be wondering how to know when mini events are happening. Well, I’ll provide the answer: the calendars for all events in the game are available on the game's Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/JgJCA3V

NPC Celadon

In the city of Celadon, you'll find several useful NPCs. I'll mention the ones people most frequently ask about, and I'll also provide you with a link to a map that details all the NPCs in Celadon.

  • NPC Sr. Eko with him, we can change our city spawn, gender, buy premium (DACC), and lower our Pokémon's level.
  • NPC Juanito here we can buy pokeballs, potions, backpacks, bike etc. and sell items.
  • NPC Santiago here we can sell our pokemons.
  • NPC Amy here we can buy basic outfits here, e.g. Fisher.
  • NPC Christian we can buy from him food for example pizza.
  • NPC Patrick we can buy from him parcels, letters. (To send a parcel or trade a Pokémon, you need to remove the HELD ITEM from the Pokémon).

Remaining introductory information.

I will write about the questions that you will find later in the guide.

  • How to reduce lag on the server?
  • How to avoid client crashes?
  • Can I zoom out the screen?
  • Where is the market?
  • What tasks can I do?
  • Where do items drop from Pokémon go?
  • Where can I buy bait and upgrade my fishing rod?
  • Where can I download the minimap?
  • Where can I find addons for Pokémon?
  • Which commands should I know and use?
  • What are the percentages that appear in my chat while catching a Pokémon?
  • How to check a Pokémon's ability?
  • Which Pokémon are worth paying attention to at the beginning of the game and where do they respawn?
  • How to quickly level up a Pokémon?
  • Where and how to level up to level 150?
  • How to earn money in the game?
  • Which missions are worth doing for profit?
  • Is my held item worth anything?

These are not all the questions you will find answers to; I wrote down the most popular ones.
You will find most of the information in the section discussing the interface and game settings. There, I thoroughly describe each icon and the related systems as comprehensively as possible.

Settings and Interface

Logging in

Before logging into the game, you need to select the appropriate proxy to avoid lag. Check the options and choose the right proxy; I personally recommend USA #2, but you can check all the other options to see which one gives you the least lag, paying attention to which one has a green ping.br>

If you want an additional security option to prevent someone else from logging into your account, you can set up an IP Code (this is done on the website after logging in). It’s important to note that if you set up an IP Code and forget it, you have the option to recover or reset it by following this link: http://www.padventures.org/index.php/recovery



After logging into the game, a message will appear in the default chat. You might be wondering what it means; I will explain it to you step by step.

  • Boosted Pokémon system. Every 24 hours, you have a random Pokémon with an accelerated respawn time of 1 minute, slightly increased drop rates, and experience points. Each player has a boost for the same Pokémon.
  • The next two systems are currently in development. Once they are fully operational, you will receive a link here with their detailed description.


Since the game interface is very large, I have taken the liberty of dividing it into separate screenshots, which I will explain one by one.
Let's start with the bar in the top left corner of the screen.

Nr. 0: The option to hide the icon bar.

Nr. 1: Game settings, the most important icon at the very beginning of the game. A very important option that we need to disable is the shaders, as they crash the game.


Unchecking the option visible on the screen will make every private message from player X automatically open the private message with them, which is useful while leveling up.

Here, I recommend selecting OpenGL2, as there is a high chance that other options will crash your game, especially the DirectX9 option (since you may already have DX13, for example).
If you want to maximize your FPS in the game, disable the vertical sync option, it definitely helps reduce lag. The lower the FPS limit you set in the interface, the more FPS you will achieve in the game..

In the last screenshot, three options highlighted by arrows are important. Check them to see the items you equip on your Pokémon, I will explain this in more detail later. The most crucial option is the last arrow, to see all options on the bar, you need to set it to 0.

As part of the options and settings, I must mention the option to zoom in and out of the screen in the game. You can do this by pressing in the game (CTRL– and CTRL,). You can also set the number of side panels by pressing in the game (CTRL.)

The game also allows you to move using WASD, you just need to check the option visible on the screen, which is available in the chat. While you're at it, it's worth typing in the default channel !channels and select appropriate channels, which will open automatically every time you log back into the game. You also have the command /commands, where every command in the game is described.

Nr. 2: Tutorial, here you have a visual explanation of movement in the game and many options that I mention in the guide.

Nr. 3: News is worth reading, here you have the latest updates that are posted on the forum/homepage. The news is connected to the forum and the website, so everything that is posted there is also available in the game.

Nr. 4: Hotkeys: Pokémon can have a maximum of 10 moves. You enter them as m1 to m10. A Pokémon can also have 2 TMs, so you enter them as tm1-2. As you can see, I added #s before each move to avoid spamming the skill in private messages.br> File:Pp16.png

  • You also have the option to add special keys for more convenient use of moves. For example, I added the order to the scroll button.


  • As for hotkeys, it’s worth mentioning that you have the option to set the order of skills for individual Pokémon according to your preferences. Simply click on the Pokémon while holding CTRL and right-click, and this option will appear.



Nr. 5: Quest log, here you can check your missions.

Nr. 6: Pokemon market, here you have the option to sell or buy a Pokémon that someone has listed.

Nr. 7: Items market, here similarly, with a slight difference, you have the option to create a purchase offer for an item that exists in the game and has been added to the market.

Nr. 8: Premium shop, here you can buy various items/outfits for points that can be earned in two ways. One is by purchasing with real money, and the other option is to buy diamonds from players on the market and exchange them for points. To convert diamonds into points, simply deposit them in the depo found in every Pokémon Center and type !points [amount]. The only significant outfit that will help you in terms of speed while moving underwater is the scuba diving suit, the rest of the outfits provide no bonuses.

Nr. 9: Public profile of all characters. This is your business card, which can be viewed by all players on both servers. The only thing you can hide here is your Pokémons that you have on your character, just type in !hide_team

Nr. 10: Pokémon card album, which will drop from Pokémons or which you will receive for achievements in the game. It’s worth collecting cards because you get very good rewards for them, ranging from items that permanently reduce your fishing cooldown on your character to a Master Ball, which can only be obtained through cards.

Nr. 11: Daily login is an important part of the game, especially for new players, as simply logging in each day grants you a new reward that is predetermined for every player. Even free daily rewards can be valuable enough that by collecting them over the course of a month, you can earn DACC in the game, although it depends on the month, as different rewards are available each time.br> File:Pp23.png

Nr. 12: Battle pass, here you have an explanation of how it works: http://forum.padventures.org/index.php?threads/crashes-compensation-battle-pass.45035/
Battle passes are seasonal, so it's worth reading the news to see if one is available at the moment and how long it will last.

Nr. 13: Golden tower, here you have an explanation of how it works: http://forum.padventures.org/index.php?threads/golden-tower.45369/
There's no point in worrying about this system if you don't have at least level 200.

Nr. 14: Daily tasks are detailed here: http://en.padventures.info/Daily_Task. It's worth noting that these tasks are only worth doing from level 85, as you receive a daily box for each completed task, which costs quite a bit. However, in my opinion, it's better to use the time you would spend on tasks to level up, as only from level 150 do you have a sufficient number of good respawns that won’t consume too much of your time. Of course, you don't have to skip every task, as sometimes you'll come across ones that can be completed quickly before reaching level 150, but there's no need to dedicate every day to do tasks before hitting that level.br>

Nr. 15: Dungeons, just like mentioned above, require a significant level. Here it is explained in more detail: http://en.padventures.info/Dungeon_system

Nr. 16: House editor: to have this option, you need to complete a mission, for which I will provide a link, and you must own a house, as it will only appear there. The editor allows you to change the floors in your houses and create certain items in the location where you complete the mission.

Now I will explain the functions of the bar in the top right corner of the screen.

Nr. 17: Auto loot: you might be wondering where the items that drop from Pokémon go. The game has an auto loot feature that automatically collects items from the Pokémon you defeat. This is a very convenient function, to open it, you need to click the icon while holding CTRL + right mouse button. A window will pop up, allowing you to take out or sell items.

Nr. 18: Pin, you do not need to create a PIN for your character. Once created, you will have to enter it every time you log in to the game. The PIN ensures that you cannot trade or drop items on the ground without entering it.

Nr. 19: Information about the health status of your character and Pokémon.

Nr. 20: Pokemons, it allows us to quickly switch Pokémon by clicking the Pokémon icon and gives us the ability to heal our Pokémon quickly.

Nr. 21: Player profile, the number of captured Pokémon in this profile counts towards achievements and the publicly available ranking on the website.

Nr. 22: The inventory is a very important element of the game that I need to describe in more detail.

  • a: 1: PokeDex serves several functions.

The ability to obtain detailed information about a given Pokémon by examining it. Information about the Pokémon we have caught. Information about the achievements we have completed. Charm tasks that are described in detail here: http://en.padventures.info/Charm_system

  • b: The Alolan Pokédex allows you to register Pokémon from the Alola region. In the case of Alolan Pokémon, you must first catch them in order to have an entry for them in the Pokédex. There is also a restriction when catching: to be able to throw a ball at a specific Alolan Pokémon, you must first catch its initial form.
  • c: Case of poker chips, in which there are chips; the entire casino system is described here: http://en.padventures.info/Cassino
  • d: Fishing rods are a very important element of the game, which are described in detail in these links:

The first link shows the baits you can buy to catch Pokémon from a specific region, and the second link explains how to upgrade our fishing rod.
You can equip a bait by right-clicking on the rod and then on the item. If you want to remove the bait, use the rod on yourself.
You can get to Cinnabar from Vermilion by taking a boat, DACC is not required for this.

  • e: Pokémon case, this is where we keep the Pokémon we intend to use. The only special item we can store there besides Pokémon is a parcel with a label. It's also worth noting that by clicking LLP + right-click on the ball, you will see information about your Pokémon.

  • f: Backpack, as you can see in the attached screenshot, you can change it to have 100 slots instead of 50. You can upgrade your backpack in Cinnabar at the NPC for 50 HD. You'll find him to the left of the Pokémon Center.


  • g: Within the inventory, there is one more option: by clicking the Pokéball with a Pokémon using CTRL + right-click, you will see these options. In the game, there are Held Items and Berries that provide additional boosts to the Pokémon, as well as Auras, which are visual decorations for the Pokémon. Held Items and Berries are described here:



After clicking "set berries/held items," a window will pop up, showing the items you have on the right side. You just need to move them from the right side to the left. If you don’t have any held items in your backpack and want to remove a held item from a Pokémon, you need to uncheck the option indicated by the arrow.

In case of Mega Stone you need to uncheck Show only owned and move its to the correct place.

  • h: Order, it works on the character as a rope and on the Pokémon, giving it the command to perform a move..

Nr. 23: Vip List

Nr 24: Battle, with many options that will allow us to hide or prioritize what we want to see first.

Nr. 25: Minimap, in the game, you have a command that allows you to reveal the entire minimap, just type !get_map. There are also keyboard shortcuts that let you view the map on a much larger scale; simply press CTRL + SHIFT + M.

Nr. 26: Battle mode, by clicking on this, a small window will pop up, allowing you to move within the body of the Pokémon.

Nr. 27: Tasks, here you can see the tasks that we have active and the progress in each task, which is quite useful for daily tasks.

Nr. 28: Tv module: the ability to stream in the game. You can buy the camera at Celadon Mall at the coordinates Position: {x = 3695, y = 3206, z = 5}.

You’re probably also curious about where to view addons and auras for your Pokémon/player. Just click CTRL + right-click on the character, and you’ll see the addons option. You need to have the Pokémon you want to apply the addon to in your inventory. The option to change the addon and aura of a Pokémon is in the same place as the option to equip held items/berries on the Pokémon.

Commands in game

In game after writing /commands you will see that window.

I will explain which commands you need to enter and what they do exactly.
!get_map – it will allow you to reveal the entire minimap.

!achievements All achievements that require account age will be assigned to only one character per account.
You can find a description of all achievements in the game here: http://pl.padventures.info/images/7/79/Osiągniecia_by_Snapp_v2.pdf

!channels it will allow you to select the channels that will be open during your login to the game.

!whodrops after entering the name of the item, you will see information about where you can obtain that item.

!event you can join the event, if there's one active.

!check_card a useful command if you want to exchange cards; just type the name or number of the card you want to take out.

!catch pokemon_name allows us to check the number of used balls on pokemon.

!hide_bodies this is one of the better commands in the game. It allows you to hide Pokémon that you don't want to see and that cannot be caught.

On the left side, you have the Pokémon that you can hide, and on the right side, you have those that you have already hidden. It’s also worth checking the option to Hide 121+ since there’s no option to catch Pokémon at that level, and they just block your view of others. For Hide Bodies to work correctly, you need to click save and load. When your save is loaded, the load option will be gray.br>

The rest of commands you can find here: http://en.padventures.info/Commands

Pokémon Catching System

In the game, there are many different boosters for catching, but first, I will describe the system you will encounter at the beginning of your gameplay. In the chat during the throwing of Poké Balls, you will notice percentages next to certain Pokémon, you might be wondering what they are. These percentages are meant to help you catch the Pokémon. Once you reach 100%, your chances of catching the Pokémon will automatically increase by 0.5% (or 0.25% for Cloned Pokémon). Not all Pokémon have this advantage, but the vast majority do. The speed at which you accumulate percentages is dependent on the rarity of the Pokémon, with certain exceptions..

As I mentioned earlier, there are many boosters in the game, but before I describe them, it's also worth noting that there is no information in the game about the catch percentage for a given Pokémon.

  • The first and most basic item is Poké Balls. You can find all the information about them here: http://en.padventures.info/Balls
  • Catch charm in the Pokédex, this is the best booster in the game. You can find information about charms here:


  • Golden lucky clover this is an item that you can use only once. It permanently increases the catch rate of your balls on your character. You will obtain this item for catching 600 Pokémon and reaching level 350 on your character.
  • Catch Charm (HELD) it is an item that you can obtain in the game from bosses, boxes, lotteries, and dice. The item combines with the golden lucky clover and increases the catch rate of your balls.
  • Pitcher Gloves (HELD) it can be obtained in the same way as the item mentioned above. Very useful and inexpensive, as it can save you a lot of time. The held item will ensure that the extra rate is active when throwing balls at 90% instead of 100%—only for very rare Pokémon.
  • Finally, I left you with boosters in the form of cookies and tickets; there are so many that I will give you a link to the entire list: http://en.padventures.info/Boosters

Notable Pokémons

Many Pokémons and spawns that I will describe will require you to complete this quest:
It is required because it allows teleportation in the Alola region, and without it, you won't be able to catch some of the Pokémon that I recommend to you.

I will try to recommend at least 3 Pokémon from each type. I considered both the difficulty of catching them and their strength. For each Pokémon that is worth noting, I will explain its use in more detail.

  • To check what abilities a Pokémon has, you need to click CTRL + right mouse button on the Poké Ball containing the Pokémon, and information about it will be displayed in the server log.


You can check how abilities work in the Pokédex or on the website: http://www.padventures.org/index.php/p/v/abilities


What to hunt them with? Fighting, Rock, Fire, Steel pokemons.

  • Snorunt [Male], Glalie [ability Moody] (rare catch)
  • Galarian Darumaka, Galarian Darmanitan [ability Zen Mode]

You can find both Pokémon at the same respawn. Few Pokémon are easy to obtain while also meeting the criteria of a complete Pokémon. These Pokémon might appeal to you enough to stay with you for the duration of your game.


  • Vanillite, Vanillish, Vanilluxe [ability Weak Armor] (rare catch)


  • Eevee, Glaceon [ability Snow Cloak] (rare, v rare catch).

Eevee it has several recommended evolutions. You can find more information about it in the description of NORMAL Pokémons.
In the link I will provide you, you will find the method to obtain Glaceon: http://en.padventures.info/Below_Zero_Quest


What to hunt them with? Ground, Rock, Water pokemons.

  • Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion [ability blaze] (medium, rare, very rare catch)
  • Litleo, Pyroar [ability Moxie] (rare catch)

Typhlosion is one of the best fire type pokemon in the game.

Pyroar one of its passive abilities is Moxie, which increases its damage by 130% for each defeated Pokémon, granting it an additional 2% damage. This Pokémon performs well on many respawns, where you don't need to switch Pokémon.

  • Tepig, Pignite, Emboar [ability Reckless] (rare, v rare catch)

Pokémon from the Unova region can only be found at this respawn. To have the ability to catch them, we need the Frond Island Ticket which we can sometimes receive from daily logins, events, mini-events, donation gifts, or purchase from another player. The Pokémon also requires TM to be effective.

  • Galarian Darumaka, Galarian Darmanitan [ability Zen Mode].

Is the fire/ice pokemon i personally gave him fire tms


What to hunt them with? Grass, Electric pokemons.

  • Krabby, Kingler (normal, rare catch)

Surprisingly, this is one of the best Water Pokémon that will be useful to you throughout your gameplay. This is because, with the daily premium login, you receive tokens that can be exchanged for Mega/Giga Pokémon, and Kingler is one of those Pokémon. The Pokémon itself is also strong right from the start, possessing many area skills and protection. There are two ways to obtain it: one is from the respawn on the map I will provide you, and the other is by using a fishing rod, for which we need bait, as I described earlier in the guide.

  • Finizen (Female) [ability reckless] (rare catch)
  • Magikarp, Gyarados [ability Moxie] (easy, rare catch)

You can catch Magikarp with a fishing rod, but it is a very difficult Pokémon to level up. However, you can catch Gyarados at the same respawn as Finizen. I will explain how to quickly and easily level up Pokémon like Magikarp later in the guide.

Finizen is another Pokémon with a large number of AoE skills and also has the best ability in the game (Reckless), which increases the damage of each skill by 15%. The gender of this Pokémon affects its evolution, so you must catch the female version. Once you reach there, an NPC will be in your way. What exactly you need to do is described here:http://en.padventures.info/Private_Islands

  • Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise [ability Torrent]

This is an especially strong Pokémon for bosses. You can catch it with a great rod using the appropriate bait or find it on the map below.


What to hunt them with? Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, Ice pokemons.

  • Oddish, Gloom, Bellossom, Vileplume (easy, medium, rare catch)
  • Sunkern, Sunflora (medium, rare catch)

Oddish and Gloom You can find them everywhere, and the evolution stone for Vileplume costs just a few coins, it's different for Bello and Sunflora.

I will show you the respawn point where you can find both Bellossom and Sunflora in one place.

  • Eevee, Leafeon (rare, v rare catch)

Just like Glaceon, Leafon can be obtained in the same place.


What to hunt them with? Fighting, Ground, Water, Grass pokemons.

  • Rhyhorn, Rhydon (medium, rare catch)
  • Geodude, Graveler, Golem (normal, rare catch)

Rhydon is one of the best rock type pokemons in the game.
Golem is just good and easy to obtain.

  • Hisuian Growlithe [ability intimidate] (rare catch)

Very good pokemon with a lot of aoe skills.


What to hunt them with? Water, Grass, Ice pokemons.

  • Sandshrew, Sandslash (normal, rare catch)
  • Cubone, Marowak (normal, rare catch)

Good pokemons at the beginning they have cloned version, which is better and I will explain what cloned Pokémons are at the very end.

  • Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Rhyperior [ability reckless] (medium, rare, v rare catch)

One of the best Ground Pokémon unfortunately requires an evolution item (Protector, which can be obtained by exchanging daily points). The map for its pre-evolution is provided in the Rock Pokémon section.

  • Phanpy, Donphan (medium, rare catch)

A pretty good and very easy Pokémon to obtain.

Sandile, Krokorok, Krookodile [ability moxie] (medium, rare catch)
An easy Pokémon to catch that can be useful because of its ability.


What to hunt them with? Fighting, Bug, Fairy pokemons.

  • Poochyena, Mightyena [ability Moxie] (Medium, rare catch)

This is a Pokémon that many players leveled up dozens of levels due to its ability and the location where it can be trained. In the later part of the guide, I will dedicate more attention to this Pokémon.

  • Alolan Rattata, Alolan Raticate [ability Hustle] (easy, rare catch)

An easy Pokémon to catch that is worth recommending.

  • Litten, Litten, Incineroar (rare, v rare catch)

There are two ways to obtain it: one is from a quest (I recommend choosing this option), or from the respawn shown in the screenshot below:

  • Galarian Zigzagoon, Galarian Linoone, Obstagoon [ability Reckless] (medium, rare catch)

This is definitely one of the best Pokémon that I personally use against bosses.


What to hunt them with? Poison, Steel pokemons.

  • Mime Jr, Mr Mime [ability Technican] (medium, rare catch)

Mr. Mime is one of the better support Pokémon in the game. It has healing and teleportation abilities, and to show its full power, it needs tms.

  • Eevee, Sylveon [ability Pixilate]

A very good Pokémon that we can obtain after completing a quest: http://en.padventures.info/Cute_Island
Tickets can be obtained in the game from boxes, events, mini-events, daily logins, donation gift boxes, and from players on the market.

  • Togepi, Togetic, Togekiss [ability Hustle] (rare, v rare catch)

This is the best support Pokémon in the game, and you'll encounter many players with this Pokémon because it offers the ability to fly, teleport, and heal characters all in one. With the right TMs, this Pokémon is also effective in respawns where a Fairy-type Pokémon is needed. There are two ways to obtain this Pokémon. The first is at the casino, where an NPC will give you Togepi for a certain number of tokens. Pokémon from the casino offer a catch rate, but there's also the option to catch it at a respawn that is not very large.

  • Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff [ability Pixilate] (medium, rare catch)

An easy Pokémon to obtain must have Pixilate.


What to hunt them with? Ground pokemons.
Pikachu (rare catch)
Hisuian Voltorb, Hisuian Electrode [ability Aftermath] (rare catch)
Voltorb, Electrode [ability Aftermath] (normal, rare catch)
Pikachu, Alolan Raichu (rare catch)

Yes, it’s no joke Pikachu is a very good Pokémon, and you can play with it without evolving.

Hisuian Electrode tt is a very good Pokémon that will not disappoint you.

Alolan Raichu It is a Pokémon that, with the right held item, has Fly, Teleport, and healing. It can be obtained by evolving Pikachu at level 60 in the Alola region, for example, in Hau'oli, using a Thunder Stone.

Helioptile, Heliolisk [ability Dry Skin] (rare, v rare catch)
It is one of the best Electric-type Pokémon in the game, unfortunately, you will only find one on the entire respawn.


What to hunt them with? Ground, Psychic pokemons.

  • Trubbish, Garbodor (rare catch)

One of the best poison type pokemon.

  • Venonat, Venomoth [ability Wonder Skin] (medium, rare catch)
  • Koffing, Weezing (medium, rare catch)


  • Skorupi, Drapion [ability sniper] (rare catch)



What to hunt them with? Flying, Rock, Fire pokemons.

  • Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree (easy, medium, rare catch)
  • Mothim with ability [Tinted Lens]

Caterpie and metapod you can find a large number above Viridian. Butterfree itself is a good Pokémon and has a Giga version, which you will obtain sooner or later from daily login, so it's worth pursuing.
As for Mothim, it has a lot of AoE skills and a good ability. A better respawn point than the one in the screenshot is probably Heahea, behind the Pokémon Center.

  • 2x Nincada, Shedinja [rare catch]

The best Pokémon in the game for fishing. It has two large respawns. It can only be obtained through evolution. The reason why two Ninacadas are required is explained here: http://en.padventures.info/Shedinja

  • Ledyba, Ledian [ability Swarm]

Easy to catch with big number of aoes.


What to hunt them with? Flying, Psychic, Fairy pokemons.
Hitmonlee [ability reckless] (very rare catch)
Hitmonchan (very rare catch)
Machop, Machoke, Machamp [ability no guard](normal, rare catch)

All pokemons can be obtained from that quest: http://en.padventures.info/Fighting_for_Pride
Unfortunately, what I recommend depends on your luck. If fortune smiles upon you, you'll get Lee, who is the best fight Pokémon in the game. I will show you on the map where you can catch Machamp.

  • Clobbopus, Grapploct [ability reckless] (rare, very rare catch)

The second best fight Pokémon in the game, unfortunately, there are only 2 on the entire map, but they are easily accessible.

  • Hariyama (rare catch)



What to hunt them with? Ghost, Dark pokemons.

  • Hisuian Zorua (rare catch)

One of the best ghost Pokémon. The only problem is that it can be caught on Cute Island, so you will need a Cute Ticket. I will give you a link where everything is explained in detail:

  • Gastly, Haunter, Gengar (medium, rare, v rare catch)

Easy pokemon to catch with a big number of aoe skills.

  • 2x Nincada, Shedinja [rare catch]

As I mentioned earlier, Shedinja is the best Pokémon for fishing, but it also performs very well as a ghost Pokémon.

  • Golett, Golurk [ability no guard] (rare catch)

A cool Pokémon that isn't too difficult to catch. The only problem is that we need Frond Island Ticket, in order to catch him.


What to hunt them with? Fire, Fighting, Ground pokemons.

  • Rookidee,Corvisquire, Corviknight [ability Reckless] (rare catch)

One of the best Steel Pokémon in the game, and also very easy to obtain.

  • Cufant, Copperajah [rare, v rare catch]

A very good Steel Pokémon with a lot of AoE skills. It also has a Giga version that you will have the opportunity to obtain for tokens from daily login.

  • Scyther, Scizor [ability technician] (rare, v rare catch)

Scyther can be caught in the safari; it is not an easy Pokémon to catch, which is confirmed by its market price.


What to hunt them with? Rock, Electro, Ice pokemons.

  • Rufflet [ability twinted lens] (medium catch)

A very cool and easy Pokémon to catch with a great ability.

  • Starly [ability reckless] (medium catch)


  • Hoothoot, Noctowl [ability Tinted Lens] (medium, rare)



What to hunt them with? Bug, Ghost, Dark pokemons.

  • Mime Jr, Mr Mime [ability Technican] (medium, rare catch)

One of the better supports in the game, it can be built in two ways: full fairy or full psychic, depending on the TMs we equip it with.

  • Natu, Xatu (medium, rare catch)


  • Eevee, Espeon (rare, v rare catch)

Possible to obtain from this quest: http://en.padventures.info/Happiness_Island


What to hunt them with? Fairy, Ice, Dragon pokemons.

  • Bagon, Shelgon, Salamence [ability Moxie] (rare, v rare catch)
  • Axew, Fraxure, Haxorus (rare, v rare catch)
  • Dratini, Dragonair (rare catch)

I don't want to lie to you, dragons aren't that great because they don't have exceptionally high damage. The only dragon worth mentioning is Salamence. You can easily skip them, as they are not easy to catch.


What to hunt them with? Fighting pokemons.

  • Eevee (rare catch)

Will be needed for a lot of evolutions.

  • Buneary / Lopunny (rare catch)

You will need it for the mega stone, which you will receive for tokens from daily login.

  • Furret [ability limber] (rare catch)

In reality, I'm kind of forcing these recommendations on you, because no one plays with normal Pokémon, and that’s because normal types hit everything x1.

Many of the Pokémon I recommended have better cloned versions. How do they differ? They have higher damage on each skill and 1k more HP. You can find everything explained in more detail in the links below.
Some Pokémon also have shiny versions. They have higher damage / more health and possess three different skills.
You can encounter them in the same locations as normal Pokémon, but this does not apply to all shiny Pokémon.


Ten dział postanowiliśmy wrzucić na inna stronę, która będzie rozwijana o ile gracze będą chętni do pomocy.
Link: http://pl.padventures.info/Expowiska

Jak zarabiać?

Najlepszym zarobkiem dla nowego gracza są misje rozpiszę je wam dokładniej w dalszej części poradnika tutaj opisze wam alternatywne sposoby zarobku. Warto byście poznali związku z zarabianiem walutę w tej grze. Interesować was będą tak naprawdę dwie waluty bo reszta jest nic nie warta. Pamiętajcie też, aby samemu sprawdzać ceny przedmiotów na markecie.

100 hundred dollars to 0.1k
File:Pp110.png to File:Pp111.png

10 ten thousand dollar to 1k (niebieskie gotówka).

100 ten thousand dollar to 10k

  • Daily login jest to najłatwiejszy zarobek w grze, bo wystarczy codziennie logować się do gry. Wystarczy wpisać !join_daily


  • Mining powdery są potrzebne nie tylko do questów, ale też i do teleportów na respy dla graczy z większym lvlem. Rainbow powdery są potrzebne też do achievements, stąd ich cena jest największa. Dwa miejsca do miningu bez pokemonów są godne polecenia jeden to fuchsia pod pocztą, a drugi to lavender w drodze na elemental quest.
  • Mini eventy, jeżeli chcecie mieć dokładne informacje na ich temat musicie dołączyć do serwera discord na którym jest rozpiska mini eventów. https://discord.com/invite/JgJCA3V
  • Łapanie Scythera na safari fuchsia pokemon jest bardzo drogi, bo ludzie potrzebują go do achievements albo po prostu do grania.
  • Łapanie ninacady, łatwy do sprzedania pokemon za dużą kasę, ale jest dosyć trudny do złapania.
  • Dropienie amulet coina jest to zdecydowanie jeden z lepszych sposobów na zarobek, ale też testuje wasze szczęście są ludzie co stracili miesiąc na tym. Amulet coin (held) dropi z Meowth i Persian.
  • Ogólnie możecie łapać pokemony i sprzedawać je do npc Santiago w Celadon należy jednak mieć świadomość tego, że nie każdego pokemona można sprzedać. Możliwość sprzedaży macie w celadon mall, który znajduje się na lewo od poke center.


  • Nie wszystkie Tmy kupią od was gracze, ale niechciane Tmy możecie sprzedać do NPC Edward w kasynie które znajduje się w Celadon.
  • Jajka to dobry sposób na zarobek i dochód pasywny. Jajo jest potrzebne do battle passa, mix taska kosztuje 1 diament, więc możemy spokojnie założyć, że jedno jajko jest warte 1, a może nawet i 2 diamenty. Polecam wam jajka Charmandera, bo sami będziecie potrzebować je do questa. Dam wam linka, w którym będziecie mieli dokładnie wyjaśniony ten system.
  • Osiągnięcia wszystkie znajdziecie je w linku który wam podam.
    http://pl.padventures.info/images/7/79/Osiągniecia_by_Snapp_v2.pdf Napiszę wam o dwóch dosyć łatwych osiągnięciach, których nagroda pozwoli wam na zakup premium account są ta achievements 35/36 po pokonaniu wszystkich trenerów w kanto/johto dostaniecie yellow boxy.
  • Łapanie cloned pokemonów jest to jeden z najlepszych zarobków w grze, a ich cena wynika z tego, że na wyspę z nimi można dostać się co 7 dni na 48 godzin przy pomocy ticketa. Cloned pokemony są silniejszą wersja zwykłych mają większy DMG na każdym skillu oraz 1k hp więcej. Na tej wsypie lepiej mieć 120+ poziom, bo ludzie tam sobie ksują więcej szczegółów na temat tej wyspy znajdziecie w linkach poniżej.


  • Łapanie shiny pokemonów jest to zdecydowanie najlepszy sposób na zarabianie kasy w grze, chociaż zależny jest od pokemona, którego będziecie łapać. Nie wszystkie pokemony w grze mają swoją wersję shiny te, które je mają możecie sprawdzić w pokedexie. Shiny pokemony najlepiej łapać podczas eventów, gdy jest zwiększony ich respawn, bo bez tego tylko stracicie czas. Na mniejszym poziomie zdecydowanie najlepszymi pokemonami do łapania są shiny sunflora oraz shiny bellsoma oba pokemony są uznawane za najlepsze grass pokemony w grze. Posiadają dużą liczbę respawnów, dlatego nawet nowy gracz ma szanse na ich złapanie. W linku poniżej będziecie mieli listę wszystkich shiny pokemonów.


  • W grze macie TM taski. Ja sam nie robiłem ich zbyt wiele, ale może wam przypadną do gustu.


  • Farmienie żetonów w kasynie na maszynach i wymiana ich na togepi. W kasynie żetony możecie wymieniać na pokemony, a togepi potrzebny jest do questa i ma również ewolucję w najlepszego supporta w grze. Spokojnie za takiego togepi kupicie sobie 10 diamentów. U NPC w kasynie ustawcie sobie JACKPOT na 20, dzięki temu szybciej będziecie nabijać JACKPOTA i zdobędziecie też więcej żetonów w trakcie gry. Pamiętajcie też, aby korzystać z komendy !chips i pilnować tego, żeby mieć 15k żetonów, bo do tylu można kupować żetony powyżej tego trzeba zdobyć, grając na maszynach. Warto też widzieć, że 1000 żetonów kosztuje 100 HD (0.1k). Grajcie na maszynach tylko wtedy jak macie te 10k.


  • Ostatni sposób, który przychodzi mi do głowy to donate. Jest to zdecydowanie najłatwiejszy sposób na zarabianie. W trakcie eventu zawsze macie 50% więcej punktów i coś ekstra. Czytajcie news w grze i główną stronę gry tam znajdziecie wszystkie informacje o tym, czy w danym momencie jest promocja i jakie dodatkowe przedmioty możecie otrzymać przy zakupie diamentów. Często jest tak, że przy zakupie 30 pkt (bazowych) dostaniecie dodatkowo lottery tickety albo mystery boxy, które znacząco przekraczają wartość diamentów, które kupicie.


Tak jak pisałem wcześniej, misje są najlepszym sposobem zarobku dla nowego gracza. Dam wam linki do misji, które warto, a nawet trzeba zrobić. Podam wam tylko te misje, których zrobienie odczujecie finansowo i posegreguje je zgodnie z wymaganym poziomem do ich zrobienia od najmniejszego poziomu do 160. Resztę misji możecie sprawdzić sami w linku poniżej.

  • http://pl.padventures.info/Food_Improvement Wymagany poziom: 30 Nagroda: 100 rocket balli - W premium shopie za 3 diamenty można kupić 100 rocket balli, więc jest to jeden z najlepszych itemów do handlu, bo jego cena jest uzależniona od aktualnej ceny diamentów. O przedmioty do misji możecie poprosić innych graczy.
  • http://pl.padventures.info/Rocket's_Hideout Wymagany poziom: 40 Nagroda: Kanto box 2 i Rocket outfit. Warto zrobić tę misję jest bardzo łatwa i przedmioty do niej dostaniecie od kogoś bez najmniejszego problemu.
  • http://pl.padventures.info/Breeding_Master_Elm! Wymagany poziom: 40 Nagroda: Johto Box 2. W zrobieniu tej misji będzie stało wam na przeszkodzie jajo, które będziecie musieli kupić bądź zrobić samemu. Jak zdobyć jajo wytłumaczyłem wcześniej.
  • http://pl.padventures.info/Ice_Quest Wymagany poziom: 50 Nagroda: 4 Rare candy, TM90 Icicle Spear. Wystarczy kliknąć skrzynie. Rare candy to kolejny cenny przedmiot wart waszej uwagi. Jest on potrzebny do osiągnięć i battle pass ci bogatsi i bardziej leniwi używają je do poziomowania pokemonów. Jeden rare candy kosztuje czasami tyle samo co 1 diament. Tm niestety nadaje się tylko do sprzedania u NPC.
  • http://pl.padventures.info/The_Pokemon_Paradox Wymagany poziom: 50 Nagroda: Rare candy, Golden Pokemon Egg (można go wymienić na 500 rocket balli). Jest to najważniejsza misja pośród wyżej wymienionych. Po zrobieniu tej misji nie będziecie mieli problem z kupieniem diamentów na premium account. Dlatego też warto trzymać premium ticketa, którego dostaniecie na 50 poziomie tylko po to, by mieć możliwość zrobienia tej misji. UWAGA CZYTAJCIE DOKŁADNIE PORADNIK, ŻEBY NIE SPALIĆ SKRZYNI, KTÓRA MA W SOBIE GOLDEN EGG.
  • http://pl.padventures.info/Tm19_quest Wymagany poziom: 80 Nagroda: TM019 Giga Drain, TM183 Leaf Tornado. Kolejna bardzo łatwa misja za leaf tornado spokojnie kupicie na premiuma. Jedyny minus jest taki, że ktoś będzie musiał wam otworzyć dźwignie.
  • http://pl.padventures.info/Fighting_for_Pride Wymagany poziom: 80 Nagroda: Losowo Machamp 60lvl, Hitmonchan 50lvl lub Hitmonlee 50lvl. Jeżeli będziecie mieli szczęście, to traficie Lee, który jest najlepszym fighting pokemonem, dlatego warto zrobić tę misję.
  • http://pl.padventures.info/Master_Rod_Quest Wymagany poziom: 100 i ultra rod Nagroda: Master Rod, Random Held Box. Misje tę można zrobić na 100 poziomie, ale raczej nikt jej na tym poziomie nie zrobił. Lepiej myśleć o niej na 140+ poziomie. Nagrodą jest najlepsza wędka w grze oraz held box, którego wartość zrozumiecie do czasu, gdy już będziecie gotowi na tę misję.
  • http://pl.padventures.info/Tm33_quest Wymagany poziom: 130 Nagroda: 4 Rare candy, TM33 Reflect. Bardzo łatwa misja wystarczy przejść labirynt i kliknąć skrzynie. Reflect jest jednym z najdroższych TM w grze.
  • http://pl.padventures.info/PAnnihilator Wymagany poziom: 130 Nagroda: TM48 Shadow Storm, 3 Rare candy. Kolejna misja, która wymaga od nas lekkiej pomocy i współpracy. Tm Shadow storm jest to jeden z najbardziej pożądanych TM w grze.
  • http://pl.padventures.info/PApoi_Quest Wymagany poziom: 140 Nagroda: PApoi box, 5 Rare candy, Dostęp na nowe respawny. Nie ma co czekać z robieniem tej misji. Papoi box jest bardzo drogim przedmiotem, ale to nie box jest najważniejszy, a dostęp do nowych respów, który ułatwi wam robienie wielu tasków w grze.
  • http://pl.padventures.info/Pokemon_Palace#Stone_Room Wymagany poziom: 150 Nagroda: po lewej stronie - 15 ten thousand dollars, TM case 2, dostęp na nowe respy. Warto zrobić tę misję, bo jest ona bardzo łatwa, tylko potrzebujemy pomocy innych graczy w otworzeniu bramy. Misja pomoże wam odblokować respy z pokemonami, które często będziecie mieli w daily task.
  • http://pl.padventures.info/PA_The_Inquisition_Quest Wymagany poziom: 160 Nagroda: INQ Box, Outfit, Dostep na respy. Radzę wam zrobić te taski najszybciej, jak tylko możecie, bo bardzo trudno zebrać wystarczająca liczbę graczy na tę misję. Wiele najlepszych respów z pokemonami w daily task znajdziecie właśnie tutaj, więc nie ma na co czekać. Sam box też jest bardzo wartościowy.



Ceny zmieniają się dynamiczne, dlatego nie podam wam cen heldów i tm, bo nie ma sensu. Najlepiej sprawdzać market na buy/sell, a jeżeli tam nic nie macie, to możecie zapytać się na czacie co ile kosztuje. Wypisałem wam heldy, które mają jakąś wartość. Nie ma możliwości sprzedaży heldów do NPC, a co do tmów, to jest możliwość sprzedania do NPC.

  • Co robi dany held macie opisane tutaj:


  • Wszystkie Heldy, które zwiększają pasywnie DMG pokemona o 10%, mają mniejszą lub większą wartość. Ja wymieniłem tylko te, które dosyć łatwo można sprzedać w dobrej cenie.

Ability Urge <== Warto posiadać
Aconitum <== Warto posiadać
Air Balloon <== Warto posiadać
Amulet Coin <== Najważniejszy held
Assault Vest <== Warto posiadać
Bersersk Glove <== Warto posiadać
Big Shrimp Bait <== Warto posiadać
Black Belt <== Najlepszy held dla fighting pokemonów
Black Sludge <== Warto posiadać
Catch Charm <== Warto posiadać
Comet Shard <== Warto posiadać
Cooldown Urge <== Warto posiadać
Diamond Shard <== Warto posiadać
Digging Tool <== Warto posiadać
Dire Hit
Emergency Exit <== Warto posiadać
Fiery Trap <== Przydaje się do battle passa
Fire Orb <== Warto posiadać
Focus Band
Focus Sash <== Warto posiadać
Grip Claw
Heavy-duty Boots
James Bait <== Warto posiadać
Life Orb <== Warto posiadać
Lucky Egg <== Warto posidać
Lucky Reborn <== Warto posiadać
Lustrous Orb <== Warto posiadać
Meowth Bait <== Warto posiadać
Mining Tool <== Warto posiadać
Pixie dust
Professional Pitcher Gloves <== Warto posiadać
Protective Layer
Reflective Layer
Roto Exp.Points <== Warto posiadać
Roto Harvest <== Warto posiadać
Roto Mining <== warto posiadać
Sandy Incense <== Przydaje się do battle passa
Scope Lens
Shiny Charm <== Warto posaidać
Silver Nanab Berry <== Warto posiadać
Smart Candy <== Warto posiadać
Sprinklotad <== Warto posiadać
Sticky Barb <== Warto posiadać
Sweet Honey <== Warto posiadać
Twin Charm <== Warto posiadać
Wide Lens
Zoom Lens


W kasynie Celadon znajdziecie NPC związanych z TM.
NPC Edward: Znajduje się na pierwszym piętrze. U niego możecie sprzedawać TM, ale pełni też wiele innych funkcji.

  • Opcja (forget) pozwoli wam na usunięcie TM za darmo (zniknie po usunięciu).
  • Opcja (order) pozwoli wam ustawić kolejność TM w pokemonie, jeżeli czujecie taką potrzebę.
  • Opcja (addon) da wam możliwość uśnięcia addona z pokemona.
  • Opcja (Extract) pozwoli wam odzyskać za darmo TM z pokemona, jeżeli ów pokemon dostanie po rebalansie w movest waszego TM.

NPC Sheeptoos: Daje wam możliwość wzięcia tasków na TM.
NPC Eduardo: U niego za diamenty możecie odzyskać TM, ale jest to od lat martwy system, bo cena diamentów znacząco przekracza wartość TM. Może kiedyś zmienią ten system i np. dadzą możliwość wyjęcia TM za dwukrotność tego, co daje nam NPC Edward za TM.


NPC – Są to TM, których na 95% nikt nie kupi. Te 5% zostawiam na to, że ktoś może chcieć zrobić osiągniecia, ale i tak zysk będzie totalnym minimum. (Jest też minimalna szansa, że któryś z tych TM w przyszłości dostanie rework i będzie używalny).
Może ktoś kupi/NPC – Tutaj sprawa wygląda trochę inaczej. Jest szansa na to, że sprzedacie te tmy od 1 do 10k zysku, ale jest też szansa, że nikt nie kupi. Możecie coś wystawić o kilka k więcej, jak daje NPC i po jakimś czasie, jeżeli nikt nie kupi sprzedać do npc.
Ktoś kupi – Tutaj niektóre tmy są łatwiejsze od innych do sprzedaży, ale też nie będzie jakichś niesamowitych koksów z tego.
Ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie – Za każdego z tych tm kupicie sobie minimum premiuma (dacc).

Oto lista TM:
TM001 Sheer Cold - npc
TM002 Dragon Claw - npc
TM003 Water Pulse - ktoś kupi
TM004 Psycho Cut - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM005 Roar - npc
TM006 Toxic - npc (potrzebny do misji)
TM007 Draco Meteor - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM008 Lava Plume - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM009 Bullet Seed - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM010 Rock Blast - npc
TM011 Pursuit - npc
TM012 Bug Buzz - może ktos kupi/npc
TM013 Ice Beam - npc
TM014 Blizzard - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM015 Hyper Beam - npc
TM016 Ancient Power - npc
TM017 Doom Desire - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM018 Rain Dance - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM019 Giga Drain - npc
TM020 Frenzy Plant - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM021 Fly Attack - npc
TM022 Solar Beam - npc
TM023 Meteor Mash - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM024 Thunder Bolt - npc
TM025 Thunder - npc
TM026 Earthquake - ktoś kupi
TM027 Dark Pulse - ktoś kupi
TM028 X-Scissor - npc
TM029 Psychic - może ktoś kupic/npc
TM030 Shadow Ball - npc
TM031 Brick Break - ktoś kupi
TM032 Tri Attack - npc
TM033 Reflect - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM034 Bulldoze - npc
TM035 Flamethrower - npc
TM036 Sludge Rain - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM037 Sandstorm - ktoś kupi
TM038 Fire Blast - npc (potrzebny do misji)
TM039 Discharge - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM040 Aerial Ace - npc
TM041 Sky Uppercut może ktoś kupi/npc
TM042 Crunch - npc
TM043 Dragon Pulse - npc
TM044 Fissure - ktoś kupi
TM045 Attract - npc
TM046 Hydropump - ktoś kupi
TM047 Steel Wing - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM048 Shadow Storm - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM049 Beat Up - ktoś kupi
TM050 Overheat - npc
TM051 Icebreaker - npc
TM052 Aqua Jet - npc
TM053 Power Split - npc
TM054 Super Power - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM055 Rock smash - ktoś kupi
TM056 Sky Attack - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM057 Tornado - ktoś kupi
TM058 Shadow Blast - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM059 Venom Blast - ktoś kupi
TM060 Poison Gas - ktoś kupi
TM061 Gunk Shot - npc
TM062 Mud Bomb - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM063 Rock Slide - npc
TM064 Struggle Bug - npc
TM065 Infestation - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM066 Parabolic Charge - npc (potrzebny do misji)
TM067 Wild Charge - npc
TM068 Dragon Rush - npc
TM069 Petal Blizzard - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM070 Flash Cannon - npc
TM071 Double Team - npc
TM072 Dizzy Punch - npc
TM073 Feint - ktoś kupi
TM074 Falling Rocks - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM075 Ice Storm - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM076 Last Resort - npc
TM077 Venom Storm - ktoś kupi
TM078 Eruption - ktoś kupi
TM079 Metal Burst - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM080 Whirlpool - ktoś kupi (potrzebny do misji)
TM081 Dragon Wave - npc
TM082 Nuzzle -npc
TM083 Grassy Terrain - może ktoś kupi
TM084 Moon Blast - npc
TM085 Night Daze ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM086 Fake Tears - npc
TM087 Poison Jab - npc
TM088 Air Shot - npc
TM089 Mud - npc
TM090 Icicle Spear - npc
TM091 Dazzling Gleam - ktoś kupi
TM092 Play Rough - npc
TM093 Rock Polish - npc
TM094 Disarming Voice - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM095 Pound - npc
TM096 Stored Power - npc
TM097 Metal Sound - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM098 Baby-Doll Eyes -npc
TM099 Quiver Dance - ktoś kupi
TM100 Fairy Wind - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM101 Epicenter - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM102 Psyblast - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM103 Reversal - ktoś kupi
TM104 Blast Burner - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM105 Circular Explosion - ktoś kupi
TM106 Boomburst - ktoś kupi
TM107 Chip Away - npc
TM108 Echoed Voice - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM109 Play Nice - npc
TM110 Sleep Talk - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM111 Fire Pledge - npc
TM112 Flame Blitz - ktoś kupi
TM113 Force Palm - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM114 Bulk Up - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM115 Brine - może ktoś kupic/npc
TM116 Liquidation - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM117 Surf - npc
TM118 Tsunami - może ktoś kup/npc
TM119 Air Pressure - ktoś kupi
TM120 Hurricane - ktoś kupi
TM121 Fascade - npc
TM122 Grass Whistle - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM123 Magical leaf - ktoś kupi
TM124 Power Whip - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM125 Venoshock - ktoś kupi
TM126 Venom Drench - npc
TM127 Electric Storm - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM128 Eerie Impulse - ktoś kupi
TM129 Electro Blast - ktoś kupi
TM130 Magnitude - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM131 Thousand Arrows - npc
TM132 Psychic Terrain - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM133 Synchronoise - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM134 Rock Storm - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM135 Rock Power - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM136 Aurora Veil - npc
TM137 Ice Shards - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM138 Aurora Sphere - npc
TM139 Lunge - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM140 Rage Powder - npc
TM141 U Turn - npc
TM142 Clanging Scales - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM143 Dragon Storm - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM144 Draco Pulse - npc
TM145 Twister - ktoś kupi
TM146 Ominous Wind - npc
TM147 Curse Pledge - ktoś kupi
TM148 Grudge - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM149 Shadow Claw - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM150 Snarl - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM151 Brutal Swing - npc
TM152 Magnetic Shock - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM153 Gear Grind - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM154 Smart Strike - npc
TM155 Misty Terrain - ktoś kupi
TM156 Fairy Blade - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM157 Defog - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM158 Water Tornado - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM159 Wonder Room - ktoś kupi
TM160 Mud Sport - npc
TM161 Magma Storm - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM162 Tectonic Dance - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM163 Fury Swipes - ktoś kupi
TM164 Steamroller - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM165 Mist - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM166 Dragon Cry - ktoś kupi
TM167 Burn Up - npc
TM168 Dream Catcher - ktoś kupi
TM169 Fairy Dreams - ktoś kupi
TM170 Ghost Drive - npc
TM171 Spiritual Storm - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM172 Grass Knot - ktoś kupi
TM173 Geomancy - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM174 Shift Gear - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM175 Light of Ruin - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM176 Natural Gift - ktoś kupi
TM177 Selfdestruction - ktoś kupi
TM178 Final Gambit - ktoś kupi
TM179 Embargo - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM180 Sizzly Slide - ktoś kupi
TM181 Spin Out - może ktos kupi
TM182 Leaf Storm - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM183 Leaf Tornado - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM184 Spite - npc
TM185 Stone Edge - ktos kupi w dobrej cenie
TM186 Close Combat - npc
TM187 Sky Drop - npc
TM188 Flame Charge - npc
TM189 Metallic Noise - ktoś kupi
TM190 Freeze Dry - ktos kupi
TM191 Electric Terrain - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM192 Trick Room - może ktos kupi/npc
TM193 Foul Play - ktoś kupi
TM194 Mean Look - ktoś kupi
TM195 Lava Pulse - ktoś kupi
TM196 Brave Bird - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM197 Selfheal - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM198 Toxic Drop - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM199 Metronome - npc
TM200 Mimic - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM201 Submission - ktoś kupi
TM202 Fling - ktoś kupi
TM203 Flutterby - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM204 Toxication - ktoś kupi
TM205 Entrainment - npc
TM206 Lightning Storm - ktoś kupi
TM207 Airstream - ktoś kupi
TM208 Twinkle Star - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM209 Dragon Lullaby - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM210 Chi Strike - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM211 Smack Down - npc
TM212 Quicksand - ktoś kupi
TM213 Electrify - ktoś kupi
TM214 Stone Crash - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM215 Light Screen - ktoś kupi
TM216 Metallic Rush - ktoś kupi
TM217 Triple Axel - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM218 Corrosive Gas - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM219 Eagle Fury - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM220 Sand Force - ktoś kupi
TM221 Lash Out - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM222 Imprison - ktoś kupi
TM223 Night Shade - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM224 Overgrowth - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM225 Meteor Beam - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM226 Scorching Sands - ktoś kupi
TM227 Deadly Scythes - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM228 Fiery Tornado - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie (najdroższy tm w grze)
TM229 Muddy Water - npc
TM230 Outrage - ktoś kupi
TM231 Aqua Blast - npc
TM232 Water Swirl - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM233 Volt Rush - ktoś kupi
TM234 Fairy Pillar - ktoś kupi
TM235 Steelsurge - ktoś kupi
TM236 Toxic Cloud - ktoś kupi
TM237 Psycho Burst - ktoś kupi
TM238 Terrain Strike - może ktoś kupi/npc
TM239 Glacial Impale - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM240 X-Cutter - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM241 Endless Nightmare - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM242 Sleeping Powder - ktoś kupi
TM243 Brutal Beatdown - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM244 Stone Axe - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM245 Ghastly Devastation - ktos kupi w dobrej cenie
TM246 Mountain Gale - ktoś kupi
TM247 Shadow Fury - ktoś kupi
TM248 Bloom Doom - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM249 Sandblast - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM250 Wind Rage - ktoś kupi
TM251 10mil Thunder Bolt - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM252 Toxic Torrent - ktoś kupi
TM253 Upper Hand - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM254 Pyro Pulse - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM255 Telekinetic Thrust - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM256 Draco Comet - ktoś kupi
TM257 Continental Crash - ktoś kupi
TM258 Dark Matter - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM259 Meltdown - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM260 Aqua Cut - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie
TM261 Spirit Break - ktoś kupi w dobrej cenie